Holy Crap, Kobe!


I was right: you are a sexist.

Don't you know that Kobe raped a girl in Colorado and then covered it up by trying to bring evidence into court that she had sex with seven other men the same day? A woman has the right to choose, you know! He made that girl go crazy!

Shame on you for promoting this sexyst images.

By Napoleon Dworkin (not verified) on 11 Apr 2008 #permalink

Well, not so obvious. A guy actually did the stunt on the TV show "That's Incredible" in the 1980s. Then when he tried to jump two cars at once, the second car clipped his trailing ankle, pretty much shattering his entire foot.

Re Napoleon Dworkin

Mr. Dworkin has made a number of misstatements in his comment which cannot be allowed to pass unanswered.

1. Mr. Dworkin calls Mr. Bryant a rapist. Mr. Bryant was neither tried or convicted of rape so, based on the presumption of innocence, it is inaccurate to call him a rapist.

2. Mr. Dworkin states that the complaint, Kate Faber, had sex with seven men in addition to Mr. Bryant on the day of their encounter. This is totally false. Ms. Faber had sex only with Mr. Bryant on that day.

The issue was whether Mr. Faber had sex with someone other then Mr. Bryant in between the time of their encounter and the time the next day when she went into the hospital for a rape kit. During a hearing in the judges chambers, Ms. Faber denied having sex with anyone in that time frame. The problem was that, during the rape kit examination, the SANE nurses found motive sperm in her cervix. DNA analysis by the Colorado Bureau of Investigation and a private lab in California confirmed that the sperm was not contributed by Mr. Bryant. Since sperm remains motive for only 12 to 18 hours after ejaculation, the only explanation was that it was deposited during the time frame in question, i.e. that Ms. Faber lied under oath. Subsequent to the aforementioned hearing, Mr. Faber obtained the services of a prominent Atlanta attorney, Lin Wood, for the purpose of a possible civil suit against Mr. Bryant. Although we can only speculate as to what advice Mr. Wood gave Ms. Faber, the upshot was that she refused to testify at the scheduled trial, causing the DA to drop the case. I strongly suspect that Mr. Wood, being the fine lawyer that he is, wouldn't have allowed his client to take the witness stand, having lied under oath previously.

It looks like the car actually passed just a little to Bryant's right. A little lens trickery would be all it takes to make it look like it passed beneath him.

Of course, my video skills are sadly outdated and analog. For all I know it was done on an editing workstation, not the camera.

SLC: So you are virtually excusing a rapist from his heinous crime?

Women who have sex with several men every day get raped all the time, and it is insulting to think that you would stick up for Bryant, even though Ms. Faber 'lied'.

Just be cause patriarchist oppression structures have determined that womens speech habits are often lies doesn't make it any more true. Women speak differently than men, and all measures of truth are male, so invalid on the face anyways.

Which obviscerates the fact that she is still a victim of something.

I am so tired of watching women be shot down in court just because the patriachal society has determined that her lies affect the truth! Just like in the case of the Rutters soccer team, where a stripper was accused of lying--so WHAT if she had sex with many other men that day. The bottom line is that she was raped by someone, and someone should be punished for that too, but as usual, the men got off.

That's all I am saying. However ( I am not a science type of person) I appreciate you enlightening me that even mens sperm has a motive! I have never heard the term motive sperm, but it sounds about right. That alone proves we live in a rape society if even mens sperm is motivated.

By Napoleon Dworkin (not verified) on 11 Apr 2008 #permalink

SLC: All men are rapists by nature. Even basic high school scientology can tell you that.

It doesn't matter if he was convicted or not, we need strong laws that protect women who don't protect themselves, even if that means telling the truth about these guys and their rapping ways.

I know he wasn't convited, because he is a man in a mans world--the good old boys network, and he got away with almost murder, and that is the same as rape to me.

By Napoleon Dworkin (not verified) on 11 Apr 2008 #permalink

Napoleon, you dont have to be a jerk about it. Whether she lied or was raped is not connected to any other case, the same for the other "famous" case, the Duke Lax case. Women are people and thus can lie or be truthful independent of their gender. Using one case to implicate all women who accuse men of rape as liars is just wrong.

oRe Napolean Dworkin

1. Is Mr. Dworkin related to the infamous lesbian whore, the late Andrea Dworkin? He sounds like he got his talking points from her. He certainly is in agreement with Ms. Dworkin that any sexual encounter between a man and a woman constitutes rape.

2. I meant motile,not motive. Motile means that the sperm were still actively moving.

3. Mr. Dworkin continues to repeat his lie about Ms. Faber having sex with several men on the day of the encounter with Mr. Bryant. Mr. Dworkin, repeat after me, Ms. Faber only had sex with Mr. Bryant on that day. Period, end of discussion.

4. Had there been a trial and Ms. Faber had testified, she would have been opening herself up to a charge of perjury for lying under oath in the judges chambers. No attorney worth his salt, and Lin Wood is worth a lot more then his salt, would allow his client to testify under such conditions, and if the DA forced her to testify under subpoena, she would have been advised by her attorney to invoke the 5th amendment.

5. Mr. Dworkin can call Mr. Bryant a rapist all he wants to. I can call Mr. Bryant a whining jackass.

6. By the way, since Mr. iRobot raised the issue of the Duke lacrosse players, does Mr. Dworkin consider the accusations of Crystal Gail Mangum, the complainant, to be truthful and accurate? Does he consider Messrs Finnerty, Evans, and Seligmann to be rapists also?

SLC: "does Mr. Dworkin consider the accusations of Crystal Gail Mangum, the complainant, to be truthful and accurate? Does he consider Messrs Finnerty, Evans, and Seligmann to be rapists also?"

Get it through your head: all menz are rapists simply because they refuse to be controlled by women, and because those deep seated trust issues cause them to become like the women around them in society, all of whom are complicated in the patriarchal systems of control.

Until we end the cuntstraints of patriarchal society, all acts of sex between a man and a woman are collusion.

Every statement about rap is true if spoken by a woman. Women simply do not lie about rape.If it wasn't the actual man she accuesed, it was some man asomewhere, sometime, and so what difference does it make who gets charged? All men are the same--motivated little sperm loaded vagina burglars who will stop at nothing to get whatever it is that they think women have!

So to answer your question, that woman was forced into modern day bondage, as a non-unionized stripper; she should get paid for her work, but society refuses to acknowledge a womans right to put her breasts in mens faces, because the vagina is seen as a weapon because of its teeth...

Like men recreate their genitals with skyscrapers, hot dogs, and big screen televisions with a remote, women just want the freedom to build their own community, sans the raping ways of men. And it is a fact that women never rape, or kill.
The bottom line: the Duke rape case was a necessary discussion that the south, and privliged white males neede to have about strippers, if for no other reason than that the woman involved was underpaid for the services she had rendered to all of those other men earlier in her day. Motivated rapists who don't even tip well after leaving their seamen on her shores.

Women are here to stay, whether you like it or not, and we are in your faces about it.If that intimidates you than you need to look at your values, and re-asses your perspective.

iRobot: "Women are people and thus can lie or be truthful independent of their gender"

Women are MORE than people, because we can fill the planet with people merely by opening our legs ( and a few other things). Every woman is population squared, because we have the power of mutliplicity--we are pie,squared!

Re Napoleon Dworkin

So apparently, Ms. Dworkin (sorry for the incorrect gender identification; however, Napoleon is a mans' name) considers that Finnerty, Evans, and Seligmann were guilty of raping Ms. Magnum. Obviously, the evidence that Ms. Magnum was not raped by these gentlemen means nothing to Ms. Dworkin. Since all men are rapists, why bother to have a trial at all? Based solely on the word of Ms. Magnum, the three Duke Lacrosse players should have summarily been sent to jail. Not.

I have a flash for Ms. Dworkin. In the USA, defendents are entitled to a trial by a jury of their peers. If Ms. Dworkin doesn't like it, she is cordially invited to shove it up her posterior orifice. This is not Nazi Germany where they didn't bother with trials, just hanged defendants from meathooks. It would appear that Nazi Germany is just the type of place for Ms. Dworkin. What Ms. Dworkin really needs is a weekend with Clarence Thomas' favorite movie actor.

SLC: "Based solely on the word of Ms. Magnum,"
Yes. A woman should be believed regardless of the 'truth' as posited by the pattriarchy. Men lie all the time: it is the root and the seed of power.And who said she lied? She was drunk, on several drugs, and coerced into a life of prostitution: to her the truth may well be something other than what you call a lie.

"the evidence that Ms. Magnum was not raped by these gentlemen" Have you seen the evidence? Were you there, other than being there because of your complicity with patriratry? Then, how can you call her a liar?

These cases happen every single day in America and the main reason why there are no laws on the books to punish or sanction women who concoct tales of false rape is because statistics show that most rapes go unreported, and if we penalize even false reports, women will lose the right to protect themselves by speaking up!

Don't you know it takes a thousand newspaper placements of lies before the truth wakes up and gets itself on tv? Just because those men said it was a lie doesn't make it a lie, because women perceive the truth differently than men, and the law respects that.

You said: "she is cordially invited to shove it up her posterior orifice" which all but proves that you are a rappist and a massaginist too. Then to drive home the point of male violence, you say Nazi's " hanged defendants from meathooks.."

Why do you always compare feminists to Nazi's? Is it because we appreciate, and most often are the mothers who give their sons in the name of freedom in Iraq? Sure Hitler awarded mothers honors and medals for giving their sons for the cause, but this is America, buddy--our soldiers are not at all like Nazi's, for the most part.

Is it that you think like many that women should know their place, and shut up about things like the Bud Selig affair with that stripper? You obviously don't know that women have been the victims of this sort of perpetuation for thousands of years.

Is it because everywhere you look, women are lauded just for being women? Or is it that we were able to activate police forces all across America because we voiced our fear of rape, and we were able to do great domestic violence by preventing men from raping? Just imagine what kind of world we would live in if all of those men who even think of women incorrectly were free today instead of in prison where they belong!

When will the violence stop?! Women can't be expected to both initiate, AND STOP THE VIOLENCE all by ourselves. What we need is a few strong men to overcome their fear of vaginas long enough to see that we are here to stay, and that we share a common cause, even if that cause is the pursuit of female sexuality. We just need to work together, because there's plenty of violence, and women to go around, if you boys could just control your rape urges.

By Napoleon Dworkin (not verified) on 13 Apr 2008 #permalink

Re Napoleon Dworkin

It is quite obvious that Ms. Dworkin is quite round the bend and in desperate need of psychiatric assistance. Her rantings about the three Duke lacrosse players are totally insane and have no relation to reality. Just as an exercise, consider the following facts.

1. The DNA of several men was found on Ms. Magnum. Not only did none if it match any of the three accused, it didn't even match any of the other men who were present.

2. Mr. Seligmann was shown by irrefutable evidence, namely a teller machine transaction, that he wasn't even present at the time the alleged rape took place.

Obviously, evidence means nothing to whackjobs like Ms. Dworkin. Anybody who believes that the three lacrosse players raped Ms. Magnum is either ignorant, stupid, insane, or wicked (but I don't want to consider that).

"Obviously, evidence means nothing to whackjobs like Ms. Dworkin."
I couldn't have said it better myself...and on that note, I won't rest until I see great societal violence that puts entitled whitmans in their place, ass up with a high heeled shoe in their mouth, like the pigs they are!~
SLC, you are an insensitive masculinist! Why do you men always refute the simple fact that women lie about rape all the time? Do you hate women? Or what exactly IS your agenda?

Those hockey players are entitled white jerks: they have had every advantage that life can afford them, and you seem to think that gives them licensce to hire a consenting stripper for their party?

Worse, you seem to think that it is someohow the embodiment of evil for a woman to ass ert her right use her sexuality any way she wants to--even if it means being wrong once in awhile about her choice of sex partners!

Sham on you!

By Napoleon Dworkin (not verified) on 16 Apr 2008 #permalink