The Best Laid Plans...

The Best Laid Plans...A homeless man has found confidential blueprints for New York's new Freedom Tower dumped in a city rubbish bin.

Mike Fleming handed the documents - marked "Secure Document - Confidential" in to the New York Post newspaper.

The Freedom Tower is being built at Ground Zero, to replace the World Trade Centre towers destroyed on 9/11.

A spokeswoman apologised for the security breach and said that anyone found responsible would be liable for "serious disciplinary action".

'Game plan'

Mr Fleming said he was concerned that the documents might fall into the wrong hands.

"I was outraged, because this is priceless," he told the New York Post.

"This could have ended up on eBay or gotten to al-Qaeda."



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"This could have ended up on eBay or gotten to al-Qaeda."

In which case they'd have been able to identify a small thermal exhaust port...

This is awfully considerate for someone who is homeless. The idea of selling the plans on ebay himself apparently didn't occur to him. At the very least he should have held out for ransom, er I mean a reward

And what exactly would al-Qaeda do with these plans? Infiltrate the construction team and leave out the cornerstone?

jjberg: Don't you know that all evil plots start out with a bunch of evil guys looking at the plants? And they also have to figure out the timing of the guards and stuff.

Don't you know that all evil plots start out with a bunch of evil guys looking at the plants? And they also have to figure out the timing of the guards and stuff.

The guards change shift at 0300, that's when we strike the south-east Fern!

Sorry, it should have been "looking through the plants, at the guards, having carefully reviewed the plans...."