You must watch this to the end.
"Just because you were born here, doesn't make you an American...."
(The good news is that the racist haters are even more hateful than the hateful racists. As needed.)
Hey, don't forget to Hit This Poll!
[Hat Tip: Boris Milicevic]
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So both the Muslim customer and the bigoted clerk were actors? Weren't they concerned about driving customers away from a real business?
"So both the Muslim customer and the bigoted clerk were actors? Weren't they concerned about driving customers away from a real business?"
Yes, the I hope the business was paid well, it seems like a loose loose situation for them. At first I was a bit disgusted with the media for pulling a stunt like this, but it did have a purpose and may wake some people up.
I had the same question, but obviously they stopped everybody on the way out of the parking lot and explained.
For all we know, th is is a Muslim owned business like the one not far from me what was recently firebombed. They may have been interested in contributing to the learning process.
From the footage (06:05):
The report seems to have touched on something that is rampant in any society - quiet bystanders who may (or may not) support the sentiments around them. What is interesting to me is to wonder how many of those 22 would continue to frequent that store, or quietly stop shopping there, or send an anonymous letter to the manager, tell their friends, etc.
The problem can be seen in any sort of situation where there is a confrontation - a minority of people who stand against it will actually feel enough of a sense of outrage that they will speak or act against the person/institution, while the majority will remain silent. This is not anything surprising, though.
You'll notice, too, that the two people shown on tape supporting the store clerk were quiet and non-showy in their support, indicating that they feel their viewpoint is in some way "wrong" or that they don't want to be seen visibly supporting such an outspoken bigot.
Still, good on the people who shouted out against the store clerk acting the part of the bigot.
Uh, OK, I do not know for a fact that the "Little Czech Bakery" is not Muslim-owned.
Oh, is it the "little Czech bakery? Well, there could be a Muslim Czech .... Indeed, many businesses retain an older name.
More likely thought, a "Czech" would have been a good atheist and thus, as a highly moral person, be perfectly willing to provide the stage for this important and instructive drama.
Freeze frame: 02:25Positive ID as Czech Stop and Little Czech Bakery, I-35 exit 353, West, TX, USA
Another photo
"Just because you were born here, doesn't make you an American...."
I've been saying for YEARS that just because i was born here, doesn't automatically mean that i (or anyone else born here) identifies as an american instead of as a Finn or a Michigander or a Chemist or any number of things.
Can we at least take that message away as a silver lining?
I've stopped at the Czech Stop. It's a fantastic place, especially for breads and pastries. Some good Polish food too!
My compliments to them for being willing to take the risks in supporting this.
It is not news that most people will not make a stand for anyone who is repressed in situations like these. It is human nature to go with the flow in social situations.
In defense of the "racists" who expressed their support of the clerk not serving the customer, what most people see of Muslim's in the United States are on the news, buring American flags, killing our soldiers and dragging their bodies through the streets, slicing off the heads of hostages, brutally murdering people like Theo Van Gogh on the street... Need I go on?
While the majority of Muslims do not endorse these actions, the majority of Muslims seem to be silent when it comes to taking a stand of these innocent victims.
Mohammed Bouyeri murdered Van Gogh in the early morning of Tuesday November 2, 2004, in Amsterdam, in front of the Amsterdam East borough office (stadsdeelkantoor) on the corner of the Linnaeusstraat and Tweede Oosterparkstraat, while he was bicycling to work. He shot him eight times with an HS 2000 handgun, and Van Gogh died on the spot. Bouyeri then cut Van Gogh's throat, nearly decapitating him, and stabbed him in the chest. Two knives were left implanted in his torso, one attaching a five-page note to his body. The note (Text) threatened Western governments, Jews and Ayaan Hirsi Ali (who went into hiding). The note also contained references to the ideologies of the Egyptian organization Takfir wal-Hijra.
Where are the leaders of Islam loudly condemning these actions?
"Indeed, many businesses retain an older name."
I laugh every time I think of all the good "real Americans" I know who eat at the mom and pop restaurants and stores in my area which are owned by Muslims, and or "other foreigners". My favorite local spot is "Mickey's Diner", a burger and pancake joint and a train-car diner across from a Catholic Church;-)
Joel, as for Muslim racists:who was it that famously said
"a million ARAB lives are not worth one Jewish fingernail!"? And why doesn't US media cover such attrocities (in this case Dr. Baruch Goldstein mowing down some 'arabs' in a mosque)
Shit rolls uphill when the valley is full of tree-tall turds...
Every Somali I know--with or without Islamic leanings--generally agrees that Hirsi Ali is a liar and a fraud; a political opportunist and a fake in the mould of fraudsters like Al Sharpton or the feminist rapeologists of the last decades. Her uncle lives in Minneapolis.
But I am with you on Theo...poor Theo: it would be nice if any Muslim at all knew the history of the Van Goghs as relates to the despised and the downtrod....
Two things:
1. How is this possibly going to change any ignorant fuck's opinion when the expert has an accent or speech impediment that to them will sound fruity?
2. Ironically under Shari'a law, that muslim girl wouldn't be allowed to do anything on her own anyway and when she would be, she'd most certainly have to have a chaperone or else face a stoning
Philly: "change any ignorant fuck's opinion when the expert has an accent or speech impediment that to them will sound fruity"
maybe you get your ear look at? Lok like you no hear the words, only accents?
PhillyChief - are you referring to the actual Shari'a law codified in the Quran and hadith of the prophet, or are you referring a particular theocracy's application of shari'a law? Because I would really like to know which hadith and/or which verse of the Quran says that women cannot leave the house alone without being stoned to death.
This is absolutely ridiculous, and exactly the point that the video is making. People assign all Muslims the ideologies of the fundamentalist Muslims that get airtime.
Besides, when American mass media is steeped in the politics of fear and sensationalism, is it surprising that moderate, average and peaceful Muslims almost never end up on TV, but all the extremist nutjobs do?
Asking why Muslims don't stand up for themselves when other Muslims screw up is like asking why most men aren't extra chivalrous, giving and sacrificing to account for the few men that are rapists and molesters. Why is anyone supposed to be obliged to protest a terrorist's actions to prove that he/she is not a terrorist him/herself?
I have to admit that I have stood in the sideline witnessing such a thing (not as overt and clear as the made up examples used for this "experiment" ... and done nothing. Not because I'm racist, not because I saw it as unimportant. Honestly, I was simply scared.
Because I would really like to know which hadith and/or which verse of the Quran says that women cannot leave the house alone without being stoned to death.
This is absolutely ridiculous, and exactly the point that the video is making.
True or not, it matters more what people actually do and do not do. The Abrahamnic texts are full of absurd statements and instructions. In balance, very few are really ever followed by anyone.
//Freeze frame: 02:25
Positive ID as Czech Stop and Little Czech Bakery, I-35 exit 353, West, TX, USA///
So let me get this straight. This little grocery store is located on God's Highway?
I don't know where you live but where I live I encounter people wearing the trappings of Islam every single day. Some are colleagues, some friends, some just people walking down the street. So far not one of them has thrown themselves at me with a bomb attached to them.
Furthermore, every time some sort of stupid Muslim religious trick is pulled by someone there are scads of Muslim spokespeople denouncing it. It is not true that Muslim people remain silent about these issues.
Where are the leaders of Islam loudly condemning these actions?
Ah, Joel, that was widely condemned by many, many Muslim groups.