
Grand Rounds 4:34 is at Health Business Blog

The Carnival of Home Schooling is here. I don't know why I'm telling you that. They always reject my posts for some reason.

The Carnival of Cinema is requesting submissions: Go here to submit.

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Grand Rounds 4:34 are up on Health Business Blog The 124th Carnival of Homeschooling is up on Mom Is Teaching
"Ideal conversation must be an exchange of thought, and not, as many of those who worry most about their shortcomings believe, an eloquent exhibition of wit or oratory" - Emily Post(er) As a literature major physicist, one of the biggest culture shocks I've encountered when attending theory…
Just a heads up. Next week on August 5th (Tuesday) I will be hosting the illustrious medicine carnival Grand Rounds. (Has it been a year and a half since I did this last? Jeez I have been doing this forever...) Anyway, here is how you submit. Send an email with your name, your blog, the url to…
Welcome to Grand Rounds at Aetiology! Grab a cup of joe, take a seat, and enjoy the best of this week's medical blogging. Just make sure to wash your hands when you're never know what's lying around here, between the kids, the dog, and the lab... First, a programming note. Just a few…

Face it- you've got a secret homeschooler fetish.

And why not? I have no formal schooling from 10th grade to graduate school, except one college class I took.