Steve Ballmer ends up with egg on his face

Microsoft has a deal with the government of Hungary which costs the government billions and traps university students in the Microsoft Gap. This is the usual monopolistic evil corporate policy that makes thinking people dislike Microsoft (everyone else is a mindless clone. Sorry, but, well, I'm just sayin').

Anyway, Microsoft Strong Man Steve Ballmer had the audacity to visit a Hungarian University. And what he got, he had coming.

Ha! I love watching Ballmer ducking behind the desk. Now he knows what the average Windows user feels.

You may remember, something similar happened to Bill Gates a while back:

Hey, Bill! I think you have some UNUSED ICONS on your freakin' desktop. Please let me take care of that for you. Please backup your system and close all running software before updating your syst...... oooops



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This is the usual monopolistic evil corporate policy that makes thinking people dislike Microsoft (everyone else is a mindless clone. Sorry, but, well, I'm just sayin').

This is the usual asinine attitude that makes secure people dislike Linux users (everyone else is overcompensating. Sorry, but, well, I'm just sayin').

StuV: I would rather get a Pie in the face every morning instead of what I have to take from the windows box sitting on my desk at work. I would take me less time to clean up the pie than to turn on this machine and make it go. LESS!

All Linux users should carry a dozen eggs at all times. Just sayin'

Any chance you might simply be doing things wrong?

Just saying. Mine's just peachy.

(Okay, that's enough teasing)


No, there is absolutely zero chance I'm doing something wrong. This is a managed PC. There is a highly qualified IT department managing that computer. The functionality and design is what is broken.

Yours is not fine, Stu! You are simply absorbed too deeply into the borg! I know this. Trust me. You can walk away from the window. You can embrace the penguin. Trust us.