Romney, Jindal and Crist. Not Pawlenty.

That's the invitation list to a special party coming up in a couple of days where McCain will have a conversation with a few possible Veepers.

The absence of Pawlenty is a great disappointment to us Minnesotans.


We were really, really hoping that Tim Pawlenty would go away. Also, since he IS the Governor who let the bridge fall down...

And not just any bridge. He let Gods Bridge -- the I 35 God's Highway Bridge -- fall down. What a chump.



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There's still a chance; Paw is busy with a wedding this weekend...

I knew that too, Greg, because they mentioned it on MPR as a possible reason why Gov. Pawlenty didn't get to spend Memorial Day with Sen. MCCain

You guys have such great sources.

(Usually with Ana it's something she heard at dinner... she's very well connected)

By the way, the latest (though this is nothing near the last) report from investigating authorities regarding the bridge is pretty critical of MN DOT. (headed by Pawlenty's hand picked appointee.)

Both members of the Democratic and the Republic party are nailing the administration.

Pawlenty is asking to reserve judgment.