New Video Game: Stop Christianity and Islam

A video image released by the computer game's creator showing an injured man may not appear to be graphic, but you may change your mind once you know who it is. It's the Islamic prophet Muhammad.

The new game, not yet released, is giving a voice to the atheist community, that's according to the game's creator, a University of Virginia graduate student. He wouldn't release his name, for fear of his safety.

"Atheists have never really had anything to speak for them like this. It's the general atheist premise that the world might be a better place without some of those religions," explained the creator of the game.

The object of the game is to stop the spread of Christianity and Islam by murdering Abraham and the authors of the Bible, before beheading Muhammad.

"This really just mirrors, you know, a lot of violence that we see," explained the creator.

Source. Hat tip: VS

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as a gamer and a loud mouthed atheist, i'd appreciate it kindly if this douchebag would kindly stfu. i have my voice thanks and beheading pixilated prophets will not help us dispel that tired darwin-->hitler-->oh noes! meme we've been inundated with.

Indeed. The only way this game could be said to be mirroring anything is to say that it's the exact opposite of reality.

It's not the atheists of history who've run around executing people who disagree with them.

University of Virginia graduate student

What? I thought college was supposed to make you smarter?

Count me as another atheist saying, "Eeee-yuck!" JanieBelle pretty much nails it. Um, so to speak.

sorry, but this game RULES