Obama Likes Edward's Heath Care

Check this out:

Obama's speech in Raleigh launching his economy tour is underway, and towards the end, during a discussion of health care, he drops a surprise aside that wasn't in the speech's prepared remarks:

"By the way, I'm going to be partnering with Elizabeth Edwards, we're going to be figuring all this out."


[Anybody know where I got this? It just was sitting there open on my computer ... I'd like to give a 'hat tip' .... Maybe Obama has been poking around in my basement again....]

This is interesting at so many levels. For one thing, this means that Obama will not be asking Clinton to be VP. Right? Or, conversely, it could be a signal that Obama IS going to ask Clinton to be VP. Or perhaps, this is just a bit hard to read.

The very positive thing about this is that Obama is looking at Edwards and saying "OK, we had different plans, but I'm deciding to work towards melding them, or even shifting to hers..." Is this "waffling"? It will be called that by the Dumb Republican League, but no, it's being smart.


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Ah, right. I had not seen that post, but there was a link on the secret back channel. Thanks Dave. Thanks Bora.

I wrote about it too, but I can't take credit for sending it to you.

It's pretty exciting news and this can really help democrats and Obama's campaign.