Whom does god hate now?

The following image (below the fold) is a little large (that is why it is below the fold). Over one half meg in size.

It is a map of major flooding around the world over the last several years, not counting this year and last. If you add in the present flooding in the Midwest, it is very clear that God is specifically targeting regions where Gay Marriage is illegal or at least frowned upon. The US Midwest, the Boot of New Zealand, the northern tip of Inner Mongolia, and so on. The little red dot you see near Cape Town is not Cape Town, but rather, a military base just north of Cape Town.

(source of image)

Actually, this is a very interesting animated GIF and you should check out the World Atlas of Flooded Lands.

By the way, God also hates Boy Scouts.


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I'm a kiwi (New Zealander) and of course being from a small country it is my duty to be outraged at any misinformation spread about us! It's true we do not have "gay marriage" in New Zealand (yet) but we do have a "civil union" for gay couples. Which is pretty much the same thing rights-wise. We also recognise gay marriages from other countries, and quashed a bill that would have defined marriage as only between a man and a woman. I guess I'm saying that it is not exactly "frowned upon".


Kiwi rant over!

I also don't recall many (if any) fatalities in the NZ floods, so maybe god only hates us a little.

God mostly likes New Zealand. But only mostly.

Also, New Zealand isn't a boot, but a fish and waka (boat).

Well, I really must have pissed off God. After busting our butts all week trying to build a dike around our plant, they broke at 12:30 AM. The Cedar River, which had a record flood of 20 ft in 1929, is expected to crest at 32 ft tomorrow morning.

We're getting heavy rain.



We in the TC are watching you (and others) on the news with our jaws dropping. Holy crap, man... get to high ground.

Thanks Greg. It's incredible what's going on, Iowa City is next in line. Iowa City is a great city.

So was I the only one who had to look up the proper use of who and whom? Turns out that Greg used whom correctly. He's such a smart guy.

"Which is pretty much the same thing rights-wise."

I'm a gay Kiwi and I have to say: No. No it isn't.

At any rate, I'm glad people have beaten me to pointing out that the North Island of New Zealand is usually regarded as a fish like a stingray, not a boot like Italy.

By Matty Smith (not verified) on 13 Jun 2008 #permalink

-"Which is pretty much the same thing rights-wise."

"I'm a gay Kiwi and I have to say: No. No it isn't."

I'd like to know what the major differences are then to fill any ignorance I may have. I know that "civil union" is not recognised as "married" in terms of adopting children, which is a big issue, granted, but it seems pretty similar in most respects (hence "pretty much").

Also New Zealand did produce Ray Comfort. Sorry guys.

Adopting children is not just a "big issue, granted" ... it may be the biggest issue. Also, there is a matter of dignity here. And there are other issues. See THIS