New Al Franken Ad

And an opportunity for you to give Al money. Click here to see the ad. The money part is optional.


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Uh, that's just not gonna happen! Like many Minnesotans, I really do not approve of this comic as a leader.

You'd rather have a hypocritical, opportunistic toady for a "leader"?

I'm getting tired of this "just a comic" trope. Being a successful comic, which Franken is, requires a number of talents useful to a politician. It requires you to be able to communicate to a broad range of people. It requires you to look through things that are "supposed to" be to see what is. It requires an ability keep your audience on your side while making them uncomfortable.

Now, sure, a comedian can take all that and never apply it beyond battle-of-the-sexes jokes. Maybe I don't want that commedian to be a politician. But that isn't what Franken has done. Have you read Lies and the Lying Liars Who Tell Them or his other political books? Franken used his talents to dissect the conservative policy machine when almost no one else was doing it. He could have just taken potshots at personalities, but instead, he combined the potshots with substantial information on why those policies are based on bunk and actively hurtful.

So when someone dismisses Franken as a comic, I have to wonder. Have they paid no attention to Franken, or are they shilling for the other team and expecting that I'm too dumb to notice they don't have any better arguments?

I would rather have a comic than a cowboy, a championship wrestler, or a turncoat.