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Dammit. I realize that this has been floating around the blogosphere for a couple of days, but when I first saw it at PZ's place, I thought that Chis Clarke had stolen someone's blogging strategy notebook, except that I thought he had stolen mine, so spot-on is his channeling of just the right…
A funny thing happened today. PZ is now, officially, a D-List Blogger** (a status I attained months ago, hehehehehe!!). Shortly after that, Richard Dawkins made a nice statement of support for PZ on RichardDawkins.net. ... I love being *us*, you guys. I love being *the good guys*. One of us is in…
Some of you may already have seen this (for example, PZ has mentioned it), but Nature has put together a short PDF document that gives fifteen lines of "evidence for evolution by natural selection" [here]. Here's the list (stolen from PZ): The discovery of Indohyus, an ancestor to whales. The…
Every year the Twin Cities Creation Science Association puts on a science fair which is sometimes called the Home Schooling Creation Science Fair. It used to be held at Har Mar mall, which was great because it is always a pleasure to stop in at Har Mar. But for the last two years, including last…