First Guantanamo Bay video Released

This is reportedly a Canadian citizen ... 16 year old Omar Khadr ... being questioned by Canadian officials regarding his involvement in the death of a US soldier in Afghanistan. Khadar is accused of throwing a greneade (in 2002) that killed the soldier. This interrogation is dated to 2003.

The footage was made public by Mr Khadr's lawyers following a Supreme Court ruling in May that the Canadian authorities had to hand over key evidence against him to allow a full defence of the charges he is facing.

One of those lawyers, Dennis Edney, told the BBC his client was seen in a distressed state because he had been "abused" by his American guards.

"He was deprived of sleep by being removed from his cell and to another cell every three hours on a 24-hour basis for three weeks solid, followed by three weeks of deep solitary confinement," Mr Edney told the BBC.

More at the BBC


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Obligatory smart-arse remark, you need to correct a typo in "Afghanastan".

On the video, it's interesting seeing this having just read Naomi Klein's "Shock Doctrine" recently. I don't have much intelligent to say about it now, but I'll be blogging on it myself, and thank you for bringing it to our attention.