I'll see you at the debates, bitches....


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So, here is the question. Who is hotter: Paris Hilton or Barack Obama?


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Well, as a Hetero male, I got to say Paris...

I have never really "followed" Paris, but I have to say the video was Hawt, and made much more sense than every video I have ever seen of Johnny McSame.

So, in voting for Pres, I have to say Barack, then Paris, then McCain.

Does Paris really mean that both her and Barack are equally ready to lead?

Nobody talking about that huge oil reserve in North Dakota. Where is that in the mix? Are people still talking about it, or is it a dead subject in the US? Trust me, oil companies and contractors have not.

Energy huh. I have seen the plans for the gasline from Alaska's North Slope to Chicago. Yes, through Minnesota. In fact I saw the MN layout in an MN paper. There's a heafty amount of natural gas up there, considering that the AK pipeline drains about 17% of US yearly oil demand. The gas line is going to happen, whether it ends up in Chicago (probably: we can tie into existing lines in Canada) or building a compressed gas terminal and ship it out.

All this talk about offshore drilling! We build islands in the Beaufort Sea every year for another oil rig. Prudhoe Bay's oil reserves do not stop on the shore. And if you want to see a platnium oil field, go to Alaska. It's so regulated and so watched that we HAVE to do it right. Of course there are the times that a company will find the loop hole. My example is the August 2006 spill that bp had. Pipelines fall under the Dept of Transportation. As long as the flow rate is under a certain level for that pipe size, it is not subject to DOT inspections. bp, knowing this, tried to buy time with 16 miles of feeder pipe, and failed. That's curruption brought by greed and money to get around the law, it's not flagrantly breaking a law (at the time)...until their deviousness was discovered. I'm not defending them, F* bp. I boycott bp. My point is go to an oil field in, say Iraq, or west Africa, and you show me the regulations that the US has. You can't do it.

If a person really wants to be environmentally friendly, STOP USING ALL THAT DAMN PLASTIC (made with the help of oil): your soda bottles, your grocery bags...look around you! Secondly, I dig Obama's message, and liked Tangled Up in Blue Guy's message better: be a responsible consumer.

Thirdly, more offshore drilling is going to happen. Doesn't have to be immediate, but it will. We all know that. The society is set up to work like that, much the same as how US society is based on the standard system of measurement, while basically the rest of the world is on metric. Land based grids; the electricity poles, telephone wires, the roads are placed based on ownership of land, using acres (vs. hectars) and miles (rather than kilometers). See we're F*ed. We won't convert to metric anytime soon, and we're going to get that offshore oil sooner. I'd vote to do it the best way man knows how, supported by up-to-date technology with the experience and the regulation of it. That pretty much rules out anyone but United States of America, Canada, or Great Britian.

check your tyres. boycott McCain, Paris and Britney. Those stupid bitches are still popular?

Hi Laurisa,

Yes, McCain, Paris and Britney are still popular to varying degrees.

I think that offshore drilling isn't necessarily a foregone conclusion, but you're probably right that it's going to happen. If we get off our butts and start using renewables or, even better, if we use wind, solar, hydro and tidal power, we can stop needing as much oil and maybe put it off for a while.

Is there a company less evil then BP now? I always saw BP as having a good image when it came to the environment.