Michele, you ignorant slut...

OK, let's say it all together.

Minnesota is the state.
Minneapolis is a city in Minnesota.
Saint Paul is the Capitol of Minnesota.
The Republican National Convention will be in Saint Paul. Saint Paul Minnesota. Not Minneapolis.

Congresswoman Michele Bachmann, who is from a suburb of Saint Paul and who represents the sixth district to the US Congress in Minnesota (which is over on the other side of Minneapolis ... so she drives through both cities to visit her home town) should really know this.

But she does not.

U.S. Rep. Michele Bachmann has joined CBS anchor Katie Couric with mixing up the location of where the Republicans will be holding their national convention next month.


Here is the funny part: This is the smartest thing Bachmann has said since being elected.

For those interested in the background on the title of this post, here is where you can begin your research.


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I solidly hold that if St. Paul has to put up with the RNC, they should be the ones that give the credit, for "taking one for the team." I also think it will be embarrassing for the Republicans to try to use the convention to turn a blue state red turning out to be an Epic Fail.

But, what's even worse is that R.T. Rybak once implied that St. Paul is a "suburb" of Minneapoils. He's the next door mayor, and he should know better.

I am no longer surprised at anything stupid that Michele says. It's God's will, you know.

Well, RT was just dissing Saint Paul. Which is what we Minneapolotonians do for fun.

Rybak does know his audience.

Ah, one more thing to add to my list of instant Bachmann associations. Although really, it doesn't rank up there with getting caught hiding in the bushes to spy on teh scary gayz, or Frenching the idiot in chief on camera.

I do wish I could vote against her.

Should I also accept your incorrect spelling of capital? :) Capitol is the building. Capital is the city.

Sorry, it may be the one thing I know.