Dozens of Street Performers Fake Protest at DNC, Fox Reporter Caught in Mayhem, Lies, Exaggerates, and appears Very Confused

See it for yourself:

[Hat Tipe: Ana]


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He says he got roughed up a bit, but he wasn't carrying any of his limbs. And he accuses people of not believing in free speech if they don't want to talk to a Fox news reporter. Teh Stupid.

By Virgil Samms (not verified) on 25 Aug 2008 #permalink

The guy is just trying to do his job, find out what the protesters are protesting. That is what reporters do. He is actually trying to give them a platform to express their views. If it is a fake protest then he is unaware of it. Yeah, he gets frustrated when they won't answer any of his questions. I think the guy is just very confused because he is trying to interview them on national TV and give them a forum for their point of view. They in turn do something that makes no sense to him. (curse Fox News)

I got that they don't like Fox News, but I still don't know what they are protesting about. Why do they want to repeat the DNC of 1968?

Jim: Everyone on the planet who is following the primaries is aware that the only protesters in Denver is this "bring back the 68 convention" group an that they are a total joke. This is a Fox reporter essentially making this up, faking his way through the whole thing!

"Everyone on the planet who is following the primaries is aware that the only protesters in Denver is this "bring back the 68 convention" group an that they are a total joke. This is a Fox reporter essentially making this up, faking his way through the whole thing!"



A significant number of people on the far left see the GOP as a broken ankle and the DNC as a really bad sprain. They will protest both conventions and they *do* mean it. How many dems voted for Iraq? The Bankruptcy? How many would vote for drilling should that measure ever get to the floor?

Yes there are some there just to be a part of a protest but the Ward Churchhills of the world are there because they really are protesting.

I love how the Faux News reporter tries to brand every person who declines to speak to him as "not believing in free speech." That is really quite the McCarthyesque view to take.

Freedom of Speech != a forced requirement to speak to Faux News.

@ Jim, who wrote "He is actually trying to give them a platform to express their views." Is he? They don't know what hes going to do with the footage, how he's going to edit it or attempt to use it to cast them in a false light. Not talking to Faux News is the smart thing to do.

Tim, the number of people in Denver doing this is very, very small. The number of people who will be in St. Paul will not be small. We should make the comparisons later, but that is how it will turn out.

I'd guess that this fox reporter, when he goes to St. Paul, is not going be treated as well as he was by these jokers in Denver.