"Obama's Declaration Of Swine Flu Emergency Prompts Pro-Swine-Flu Republican Response"

WASHINGTON--Claiming that the president was preying on the public's fear of contracting a fatal disease last week when he declared the H1N1 virus a national emergency, Republican leaders announced Wednesday that they were officially endorsing the swine flu. "Thousands of Americans--hardworking ordinary Americans like you and me--already have H1N1," Republican National Committee chairman Michael Steele said during a press conference. "Now Obama wants to take that away from us. Ask yourself: Do you want the federal government making these kinds of health care decisions for you and your family?" Other prominent Republicans opposing Obama's declaration of emergency include Louisiana governor Bobby Jindal, who urged residents of his state to continue not washing their hands, and radio host Rush Limbaugh, who made a point of dying of the virus during his show on Wednesday.

Read the rest here.

Hat tip: Claudia Sawyer

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Sometimes The Onion makes for an excellent Poe.

You know, if it mentioned anyone but Jindal and Limbaugh, I would have recognized the poe before I clicked the link ;)

I suppose when you have an epidemic that is going to be past its peak by Dec. 1, well before the vaccines are available to the vast majority of us, it's best to laugh at it.

I can't wait for the Feds to get control of the rest of our health care system.

What was that strange buzzing? Some kind of high-pitched hum as Gerard rapidly flaps his wings I guess.

I guess Gerard is saying that the private pharmaceutical companies that were not capable of creating the vaccine in time should be nationalized, and a large public investment should be made in the infrastructure to ensure that future vaccines will be able to be produced on time. Ok Gerard, I guess I agree.