Watch the Wiki: Palin and Biden Entries Edited Prior to Announcements

Over the source of several hours before the announcement by John McCain that Sarah Palin was to be his running mate, Palin's Wikipedia entry was heavily edited. The editors included individuals who were simultaneously updating McCain's Wikipedia entry. Apparently, similar activities associated with Biden's selection occurred as well. So, in other words, if you want to know what is going to happen just watch the Wiki.

This is all reported in the Washington Post and discussed on NPR.


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Some people in Washington are finally starting to realize that Wikipedia is becoming for the world what the New York Times used to be -- the most trusted source, generally.

This shows that whatever garbage the mainstream media dumps in our faces, our first response is to turn to the Internet for real information and perspective.

By Rose Colored Glasses (not verified) on 31 Aug 2008 #permalink