Your mamma!

Of course, I agree with Barack Obama as well as my colleagues on scienceblogs that people's families should be off limits in campaigns. Thus, discussion of Sarah Palin's unwed young daughter getting knocked up out of wedlock is totally irrelevant. As PZ puts it, we should instead focus on Sarah Palin's utter disregard for individual liberties and basic human rights and stuff like that.

I also believe that it is in appropriate for religious leaders to capitalize on disasters by claiming that their particular version of Gawd Almighty is busy smiting gay people, uppity women, or whatever. Thus a discussion of how The Lord is trying to disrupt the Republican National Convention by whipping up two/three (or more) hurricanes is utterly out of place. So none of that!

But I am going to watch at least some of the speeches during the RNC, if they ever actually do any, and find out if the Republicans are going to play by these rules. And I promise you, that if I or any of my loved ones end up being personally insulted by anything in any of these carefully scripted speeches, then I just might change my mind about this.

Watch out, Republicans, because I will be watching you. (Unless I find something better to do, of course.)


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As usual, under the fold.... Quote of The Day: "Do you think what is appealing here? I'll be careful here. This is not about sexual relations... Everybody watching this. This is not what I am talking about. When you see the picture together of John McCain, who is an older man, but he is a kind of…
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Watch out, Republicans, because I will be watching you. (Unless I find something better to do, of course.)

I'm sure the Republicans are shaking in their boots.

"I'm sure the Republicans are shaking in their boots."

As long as it's not jackboots!

"Watch out, Republicans, because I will be watching you."

Was that a threat, Mister? Homeland Security takes threats very seriously these days. Jackbooted troops could start breaking down your door if you keep it up with these Commie, pinko, unamerican threats of yours.

I'll be out of the country during most the RNC, but would not watch anyway. Just read the transcripts online (if I find internet access). Watching this thing on TV is too much of a waste of time to bother with.
Its nice and decent of Obama to say that private family matters should be off-limits but who are we kidding? This is America. Your average Joe or Jane voter in this great country has a better grasp on any given politicians family situation (especially if the details a salacious) than on their policy positions. That is the way the main stream media operates. That is what the people want to buy. Sad but true.

Of course, if it had been the 17 year old daughter of a Democratic candidate, the GOP and the media (particularly Fox news) would be restrained and respect her privacy...not.

The guy over at Mudflats (an Alaskan blogger) says that there are more 'gates' to emerge. Sounds good to me.

You are wrong when you said that your colleagues on science blogs have chosen not to talk about candidates' families. Ed from Dispatches from the Culture wars has posted about Bristol Palin (a teenager) and even gone so far as to comment on whether or not her fat bulge was due to a pregnancy…

"I didn't think the pictures of Bristol Palin were very convincing evidence in the first place. I included them because I figured if the other things are true, that might explain her bulge."

I was only referring to the colleagues I linked to. You are right about Ed.

On the other hand, when I wrote this post last night, I did not yet know that Palin is suspected of falsifying public records and whatever else it is when you .. i dunno ... falsify a baby? I had heard about those rumors but I assumed they were crazy. But I'm not so sure now.

Of course, if it had been the 17 year old daughter of a Democratic candidate, the GOP and the media (particularly Fox news) would be restrained and respect her privacy...not.

You mean like the joke McCain made about Chelsea Clinton in 1998 at a Republican fund-raising event?

By Virgil Samms (not verified) on 02 Sep 2008 #permalink

I see some news reports now featuring Bristol Palin's sperm donor. I suggest not blogging it, but rather focusing on McCain and Palin positions on sex education and abortion.

By Virgil Samms (not verified) on 02 Sep 2008 #permalink

all I can say is that these republicans breed fast and young. like animals.

Commenting about the family sexual habits of the Republican nominee for Vice President, may be uncomfortable for her. So I won't do that. However, abstinence-only sex is favored by her and I would like to ask Mrs. Palin, is the abstinence-only sex program working for her?

I was serious about not blogging it. link

By Virgil Samms (not verified) on 02 Sep 2008 #permalink

Levi Johnston to join Palin family at convention

...Sherry Johnston also said there has been no pressure put on her son to marry Bristol Palin, the pregnant daughter of vice presidential candidate Sarah Palin.
"Absolutely not," Sherry Johnston told reporters outside the family's Wasilla home. Johnston said the two teens already had plans to marry before they knew she was pregnant...

Uh, right.

By Virgil Samms (not verified) on 02 Sep 2008 #permalink

I wonder what happened to the guy who impregnated the other daughter to produce the baby that Sarah pretends is hers.

Oops, did I ask that out loud???