Roy Zimmerman is NOT Bob Zimmerman. He's funnier. Otherwise he's exactly the same.

Just so you know. Bob Dylan's original name was Bob Zimmerman and he is from the Iron Range region of Minnesota. He actually named (it is said) the busy business student neighborhood by the main campus here at The U: "Dinkytown" ... because he thought it was like a town, and it was dinky. The Watchtower (as in "All along the...." is a big ol WPA (I guess) built stone tower overlooking University Avenue in the elite Prospect Hill neighborhood. And so on.

Roy Zimmerman is much funnier than Bob Dylan, and he is here in the Twin Cities making fun of the Republicans. (Hat Tip PZ Myers). And here, folks, is his latest production: "Sarah Pale in Compari-Sun"

She can make a moose stew....
She can fillet a caribou....


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So Sarah Stalin the Partisan Purger is Mad-Eyed Lady of the Lowlifes?

By Bill the Cat (not verified) on 03 Sep 2008 #permalink

Sad-eyed lady of the lowlifes

By Sven DiMilo (not verified) on 04 Sep 2008 #permalink

That's embarassing. Sorry, Bill the Cat. Great minds, or whatever.

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