Image of Charles Darwin Appears on Wall in Tennessee.... Thousands Flock


A steady stream of devoted evolutionists continued to gather in this small Tennessee town today to witness what many believe is an image of Charles Darwin--author of The Origin Of Species and founder of the modern evolutionary movement--made manifest on a concrete wall in downtown Dayton.

"I brought my baby to touch the wall, so that the power of Darwin can purify her genetic makeup of undesirable inherited traits," said Darlene Freiberg, one among a growing crowd assembled here to see the mysterious stain...


Apparently, the image is the product of differential growth patterns of slime molds living on the wall.

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Actually, he probably would. Remember Darwin was a devote Christian during the Victorian era. He may have related quite a bit to some present day Evangels. He wasn't anti-religion or spirituality.

Back to the note..Did that woman really say that? Really funny, like touching the hem of Darwin's cloth would purify you....silly lady confusing evolution and faith.