When Where's Waldo Meets the Fifty Foot Buddha

George Bush's Army has been in Afghanistan for years looking for one guy, Osama Bin Laden (no relation). They have not found him het. Meanwhile, archaeologists working in Afghanistan have found a 19 meter (62 feet) tall statue of Buddha.

This is in the vicinity of the Bamiyan Buddhas which were destroyed by the Taleban a few years ago.

There is a fourth giant Buddha, estimated to be about 300 meters long, still hiding in the vicinity, according to reports.

Perhaps the archaeologists should be asked to help find Osama.

More here at the BBC

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Oh c'mon. How does a 300 m long Buddha hide?

By Virgil Samms (not verified) on 08 Sep 2008 #permalink

Virgil, you are not thinking this through. These are Buddhas we're talking about.

A 300 meter long Buddha would hide in plain sight.

The archaeologists should have just covered it back up and kept it a secret. It is no longer safe.