Political Science

A few political bits and pieces for you to look at.

The Republican Right Wing has successfully convinced the managers of NBC network to dump Kieth Olbermann and Chris Matthews in their role covering the current election. Too bad. That was the only news station I could watch and not puke very few minutes. MSNBC is no longer tuned in on my dial and this blog will no longer post (as I had been doing) MSNBC videos. I will still post videos of Keith Olbermann ranting about whatever, but they will be YouTube videos. This Blog Boycotts MSNBC. And NBC.

Dynamics of Cats exposes, summarizes, and comments on the current flap coming out of NASA in which the scientists and the Bush Administration are at odds.

Sarah Palin: No friend to pit bulls.
Dog owners are pissed. She better be careful, because those pit bull owners can be like German shepherds!


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Haha, are you sure that last link isn't from The Onion?

The only news channel I've been able to watch without puking every few minutes is Comedy Central.

Olberman says that he initiated the dumping, and that he'd been concerned about this for months. So I'm not sure your boycott in this case is fair.

By Aaron Lemur Mintz (not verified) on 09 Sep 2008 #permalink

Well, it is also true that Rachel Maddow just started her new show, and that rocks, so there will be some porosity in this particular blockade.

Aaron: That link does not say that he said what you said he said he did.

Greg -- Keith & Chris will still be commenting during coverage of election events; only difference is, they won't be the co-anchors. So you can still watch MSNBC on those nights and not hurl!

Hey, what about my new show, it rocks!

By Rachel Maddow (not verified) on 09 Sep 2008 #permalink

I love you Rachel! Your new show rocks!

Rachel: as I say in the comment above, your show is the best, I love it. Hey, if I wasn't already married, I'd be stalking you! (In a good way.)

Love that Rachel M. I'd stalk her, too, but I don't think she or my boyfriend would approve. You go girl!
Greg, they may have caved, but they're still the only news network that's "fair and balanced".

By uncle noel (not verified) on 10 Sep 2008 #permalink