Amid death threats, Large Hadron Collider is "turning on" as we speak

This is a very complicated machine, so it is very hard to say exactly when it "turns on." Some would say that the 'start' is when the first (of two) energy beams starts running around the track like crazed Einsteinian greyhounds, others would say that it 'starts' when there are two beams, they collide, and data comes flying out like eight graders from a large Middle School on the last day of the school year when the final bell rings.

Well, the first beam part has happened. The machine appears to work.

Naturally, this has all the physicist types creaming in their jeans,

Meanwhile, the death threats:

Scientists working on the world's biggest machine are being besieged by phone calls and emails from people who fear the world will end next Wednesday, when the gigantic atom smasher starts up.


"They phone me and say: "I am seriously worried. Please tell me that my children are safe," said Gillies.

Emails also arrive every day that beg for reassurance that the world will not end, he explained.

Others are more aggressive. "There are a number who say: "You are evil and dangerous and you are going to destroy the world."


(Don't worry, according to this, we're safe. No wait, don't read that, it is virtually incomprehensible and not very convincing. Read this.


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"Crazed Einsteinian Greyhounds" may just be the best band name ever.

Gosh, it's just a big atom smasher, and the possibility of something dangerous to happen is too small for that something to happen ;) If it would have been real risk, scientists would inform us, or take measures against it, or, after all, never would have thought of taking this idea to reality. So stop worrying, listen to common sense and do not let this rumor by fools take over your mind. There are very little people, who really believe it's dangerous -, but looks like panic is a very hazardous thing, ha?

Don't laugh, wiseguys! This morning a strangelet woke me up, then ran into the kitchen and ate all of my cookies before fleeing down the drain in my bathtub!
You call that safe??? EVERYBODY PANIC! WE'RE DOOMED!!!!!!(!!!)
(P.S.: !!!)

I think more people should follow JoAnne's emotive appeal:

So, let me present a different, non-scientific, but emotional argument. We physicists are human beings too. We have children, parents, siblings, friends, etc, that we care deeply about. We care about this planet and its future and the future of our families. There are literally thousands of physicists, worldwide, involved in the LHC. If there was a serious concern, the scientists themselves would have stepped forward.

Let's see more pictures of happy physicists with happy families!

The panic reminds me a little bit of a comment the Tick made in one of his cartoons: "You can't eat the Earth - that's where I keep all my stuff!"

Don't tell people we're not going to die!

I haven't gotten a chance to tell someone this could be our last night on earth and we have to make the best of it!

It would amuse me muchly if the LHC helped me lose my virginity.