A Vote for Science: ScienceBlogs Newest Blog is Blogging!!

You've heard about ScienceDebate 2008, an effort to cajole the candidates for the US presidential election into addressing science issues. Not long ago, Obama agreed to address the questions that the ScienceDebate 2008 team put forward (with your help) and just now, McCain has finally gotten on board. The two sets of responses are provided in a post at The Intersection.

In realted news, there is a new blog ... a group blog ... that has just officially opened to the public (though a few of you hacked into it prematurely). It is called A Vote for Science.

Ivan Oelrich of FAS, who is not a Sbling, joins Sblings Mark Chu-Carroll of Good Math, Bad Math, DrugMonkey of DrugMonkey, Mike Dunford of The Questionable Authority, GrrlScientist of Living the Scientific Life, Moi of Greg Laden's Blog, Dave Munger of Cognitive Daily, Matt Nisbet of Framing Science, Alex Palazzo of The Daily Transcript, PalMD of Denialism, and Sheril Kirshenbaum of The Intersection in this new venture.

So far. There may be other Sblings joining us as well.

There are already a few posts up at V4S, so please have a look!


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