Stop telling me about the liberal press....

I truly hate that Contessa chick who pretends to be a news reporter on MSNBC. Let me recreate a recent annoying interview for you.

The guest is an expert on taxes and stuff. The issue is the Obama plan to tax the wealthy.

Contessa sticks her lower lip out and sarcasticizes her voice a bit more than usual and says, "So, what about this? The Obama tax plan is to raise taxes on individuals with incomes of more than 250,000 per year. But I checked (lip goes out farther, head bobs a bit) and that is like 2.5 million people. Biden is saying 'Let's be patriotic, let's stick up for America.' But this means Obama and Biden are asking 2.5 million people to 'be patriotic' ... to take all that responsibility. Isn't that a gaff that he said that?"

The interviewee was truly set back by this. He gasped. He couldn't believe what he was hearing.

"Well, ah, Contessa, that has been the Obama plan all along, ever since he announced his candidacy. This is the richest one percent of the country we are talking about here."

"Well, OK, then, whatever. And now on to our next story...."



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It's a gaffe to ask people to be patriotic?

By Virgil Samms (not verified) on 18 Sep 2008 #permalink

Her statement is totally expected. She reported, I assume, the same day that Obama has moved ahead (again) in the polls. So her job is to 'even it up'