Palin = More Bush = More-on

Sarah Palin thinks that the Pledge of Allegiance was written by the founding fathers, according to the Daily Kos.

See also: IT Failures Nudge Out Democracy


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Of course Jesus wrote the pledge the same day he founded this Christian country.

Rob, when you react too quickly and rush to post it is human to make mistakes. Jesus didn't found this Christian nation, and we all know it.

Chuck Norris did. He made quick work of the Redcoats.

Yes, Palin said something like "under God was good enough for the founding fathers". Maybe she thinks the Knights of Columbus were the founding fathers. She seems to be hot for religious types.

This was one of the first things that I learned about Palin after she was announced as McCain's running mate, and it made me take an instant dislike to her. Not only did it illustrate her willingness to pander to the religious right (which, I suppose, does not bother conservatives), but it demonstrated that she has an 8th-grader's grasp of American history and civics (which should bother everybody). Apparently, Eagle Forum, the conservative group that created the questionnaire, realized this, because they pulled Palin's answers off of their website within a few days of her nomination.

Chuck was one of the 12 apostles Mike.

I think Bob Dole was also one.

//but it demonstrated that she has an 8th-grader's grasp of American history//

If thats your average 8th graders grasp of your history,then good nite America.
The Greenland Norse still were around longer than the current inhabitants of North America,you guys better start trying harder pretty quickly.....

As stupid as we all know this is, as my junior year English teacher put it:

"The majority of people are right, even when they're wrong."

The fact that Palin mistakenly believes that the Pledge was written by the Founding Fathers may prove to those who are less ignorant about our country that she's an idiot, but the vast majority of people believe this fact. They're all idiots, of course, but *we'll* be the ones written off as the morons.
