Minnesota Secular Humanist Atheist Students, Where Are You?

I'm calling in from the Saint Paul Campus of the University of Minnesota, and we're goin' down. Mayday Mayday Mayday.

We are having some kind of "meet the student group" day and it is not going well. Booths are set up in front of the Student Center. The biggest single category of student group represented is religious. Jesus this, Jesus that. Graduate students for Jesus. The Campus Jesus BeJesus club. Of the political groups, there is one Obama, one Conservative Students of America and one Take Away Reproductive Rights from Women group. That's it.

What. Is. Going. On. Here. People.????

The closest thing I can find to an atheist or a secular humanist is a guy with a 16th century German helmet who seems to be representing the SCA or something. And that is not good enough.

Please explain.


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Pray harder.

By Virgil Samms (not verified) on 22 Sep 2008 #permalink

Damn. They're all out getting laid, having fun and burning down churches.

my guess is that the people that are showing up are the CLA students. all the real students are too busy attending lectures and learning about science and stuff.

my guess is that the people that are showing up are the CLA students

Well, they're doing it wrong, CLA is on the other part of the campus!

my mistake. i failed to notice that the meeting was on the saint paul side of the mississippi. maybe the crowd was people who got lost at the fair, and only made their way off the grounds yesterday? try offering them something gross on a stick, and see if they eat it.