McCain Suspends Campaign, Debates

Is John McCain a Coward?

John McCain has apparently suspended his presidential campaign, in an effort to either a) bring more focus to the impending collapse of the world's economy which he helped cause problem or b) get out of Friday's debate which could not possibly come at a worst time for him.

See: "McCain seeks to delay Friday's debate"


Note the following comment from the cited report:

The move put Obama in a bind. Rejecting the idea would allow McCain alone to appear above politics, but agreeing to suspend campaigning and the debate could make Obama look like he's following McCain's lead. Advisers also say that McCain still wants to participate in all three presidential debates, but that the schedule is up in the air.

Fine. But there is a very simple answer that the Obama campaign can respond with here:

"The person we elect as president should be able to handle two important things, or more, at the same time. I'll be at the debate Friday evening, and I'll meet with the president as well. See you in Mississippi, John. Or not."


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Any word on whether Palin will also be curtailing her campaign? Perhaps she'll cut back on the number of press conferences?

By Virgil Samms (not verified) on 24 Sep 2008 #permalink

Will you accept the scripted Presidential 'debate' again?
Brought to you by your 'good friends' at Wall Street.

No Paul or Nader Main Street USA,
nor Cynthia McKinney.

By OPEN REAL DEBATES (not verified) on 24 Sep 2008 #permalink

McCain can't talk and kiss corporate butt at the same time.

Obama should have stated "The future president of this nation will be at the debate with or without McCain's participation"

McCain knows he's in trouble, so he's resorting to the grand theatrical gesture. "See? I'm willing to give up being prez to work on the problem. He's not." Bull$#!+.

Looks like the general public isn't buying it either:

15.6% Strongly Agree 18,411 votes
4.4% Agree 5,142 votes
1.3% Neutral 1,519 votes
9.8% Disagree 11,622 votes
68.9% Strongly Disagree 81,378 votes

By themadlolscien… (not verified) on 24 Sep 2008 #permalink

Looks like Obama reads this blog ;)

He used the multitasking line in his response:
"I think that it is going to be part of the Presidents job to deal with more than one thing at once."

That comment from the MSNBC story is pretty stupid. McCain doesn't look like he's "above politics". He looks like a high school kid mysteriously getting sick on the day of a big final exam. I don't see how Obama could do anything but reject it.

Easy solution - switch VP and presidential debates - spread the meme...

McCain is playing a very high stakes game here. He will not turn up to he debate, but I hope Obama has sorted out what his response should be if McCain sends some lower ranking member of his campaign to debate for him in doing so, trying to diminish the importance of Obama, while he McCain is on the important business of running the country.

if McCain sends some lower ranking member of his campaign to debate for him

I don't think that should be allowed. A subordinate could go on the attack, and any return of fire could be shrugged of on the pretense that the subordinate was not speaking for his boss. I.e. similar to the traditional VP candidate 'attack dog" role.

By Virgil Samms (not verified) on 25 Sep 2008 #permalink

Steven has it right. McCain's not afraid to debate, and doesn't have to miss the date. But after seeing his running mate's air-headed performance with Katie Couric, he is afraid to let her talk on her own (it's okay if she recites material prepared by the campaign staff).