"We believe in using science and reason to understand the world"

... say the athesists of Louisville, Kentucky.

Since she was a teen, she had harbored growing doubts about the conservative Christian faith, "but I was so programmed against the word atheist," she said.

When she eventually decided she was one, a "feeling of almost euphoria" descended upon her, said Childers, now 28.

"I no longer had to justify why a good and loving God would allow (bad) things to happen," ...

Here is a nice article on the Freethinkers and Atheists of Louisville.

Oh, and while I've got your attention, please have a look at this post if you have not already. I don't want it buried in all the other fun stuff:

Science Standards With a Hole You Can Drive a Truck Through?

Hat tip: Joe


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Where's that "nice article on the Freethinkers and Atheists of Louisville"??

By minusRusty (not verified) on 24 Sep 2008 #permalink

Sigmund - Greg's got cookies on the mind, and yes, science goes just as well with dried apricots.

BTW - OMG with the freaking Reebok add all over the page. Why would a good and loving God allow that to happen?

Thanks, Stephanie!

By minusRusty (not verified) on 24 Sep 2008 #permalink

All my links fell off this morning for some reason. I've put them back. It definitely is the cookies distracting me.

The Reebok ad is very bad. Complaints have been passed on to the management. I have not heard any word on that yet.