I can see Alaska from my Kitchen

This is fake, right?

Hell bent, Charlie. Don't you get it? Hell. Bent.

Let's analyze this a little more closely.....


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He should have kept at her, demanding a yes or a no. Either she gives one, committing to Bush or opposing him, or the interview runs out of time and she looks like a liar trying to cover her tracks -- which is what she is.

By Nattering Nabo… (not verified) on 26 Sep 2008 #permalink

He did keep after her, demanding a yes or no answer to whether she believed the US has the unilateral right to invade a country. She kept blathering on about "Islamic terrorists". And she never did answer his question. Instead, she blathered more canned-souning answers from relatively typical right-wing boilerplate. Ugh.
Anne G

By Anne Gilbert (not verified) on 26 Sep 2008 #permalink