
Youtube has spawned a few copycats, and now there's one called GodTube.com—I think you can figure out what it's about. I'd be willing to let it be, just as I don't bother much with XTube (yes, there's one just for porn!)—if they want to masturbate quietly in private, I'm not going to bother the little wankers. Unfortunately, as you ought to expect, it's also a haven for creationists, right now largely consisting of some of the dumbest videos ever in a series called "Chatting with Charlie". Charlie is very confused and not very bright; he's a kind of Kent Hovind on quaaludes. For example, take a look at his Four Problems with Evolution, which consists of:

  • Second Law of Thermodynamics. That tired old fiction—c'mon, Charlie, if the SLoT prohibited evolution, your refrigerator wouldn't work, and you wouldn't have progressed beyond a little slime in your mom's fallopian tubes.

  • Fossil Gaps. Ho hum, you should be falling asleep by this point—but of course there are transitional fossils. Charlie is just ignorant.

  • No Known Mechanism. At this point, Charlie's gears are slipping. Sure, there's a mechanism—that's what Darwin came up with, but apparently and unsurprisingly, Charlie hasn't read any of that. Instead, he babbles about how if you puree a frog he won't come back, and dogs don't change into cats.

  • Finally, he leaves us hanging with the claim that "The World is not 4½ billion years old," and he claims there is growing evidence that the world is young (not). He said he'll get to that in another video, but sorry, Charlie, you bored me so much I couldn't bother looking for it.

GodTube's slogan is "Broadcast Him." I think it should be "Reinforcing the stereotype that Christians are morons since 2007."

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GodTube has a web cam. I think I'm going to set one up. I've got my "Jesus in a Pancake" recipe almost perfected.... (though so far he more often than not looks like Chuck Norris. Which is probably how God would look if he was born on earth in these tough times).

GodTube: What a waste of energy, time, and intelligence.

All that effort to basically promote a bunch of bullshit.

Can't they find another hobby - like XTube, or glue sniffing, or fixing toaster ovens?

By CalGeorge (not verified) on 04 Mar 2007 #permalink

Chatting with Charlie is the cream. When you check out the bits that sink you find videos that explain the role of time travel in the writing of the bible, and the banana video.

GodTube: What a waste of energy, time, and intelligence.

You have to have intelligence in order to waste it.

By truth machine (not verified) on 04 Mar 2007 #permalink

That's nothing.

I live by 'God Lube'. Lubricates things in that Christian way.

By Christian Burnham (not verified) on 04 Mar 2007 #permalink

From the GodTube front page:

The King James version English Bible Code looks at whether it is possible to build a Stargate device as in the movie and TV series to travel to the stars through space time.

Oh, dear.

I just had a really funny/scary thought. What happens when these people discover Second Life?

you have to check out Charley's "definition of terms" videos. This is his definition of "science":

It has to be sensible, meaning, you can feel it with your five senses, it's repeatable and it is only in the present.

All this while, in the background, there is an oscilloscope with X & Y inputs hooked up to low frequency sinewave sources so as to look all "scientific" and stuff. I'm expecting to see Erlen flasks of boiling food coloring making an appearance shortly...

By Millimeter Wave (not verified) on 04 Mar 2007 #permalink

Re: Fossil Gaps

In the geologic column, there are "no dead ends that do not evolve"


This guy is dumb as a bag of hammers.
No offense meant to hammers.

By waldteufel (not verified) on 04 Mar 2007 #permalink

Is it for x-tians only, or can those of us who worship Thor contribute?

Does "Him" have a good side? Does "Him" preferred to be broadcast in widescreen or full format? I want to see the Green Room ryder for God.

t whether it is possible to build a Stargate device as in the movie and TV series

Ooh, ooh, ooh, flying saucer Christians! My favourite! Gotta love 'em. Those are the types that get the Bible and Close Encounters of the Third Kind and various "spiritual self-help books" and whatever they hear on the Art Bell show all sort of pureed in the Cuisinarts they like to refer to as their brains. It's all very Heaven's Gate-esque, minus the mass ritual suicide.

Oh my. They had that 'atheist nightmare' banana video.
I guess if you're not an atheist, you don't realize the 'i before e except after c' rule doesn't apply.
Godtube is filled w/a bunch of god boobs (mammaries need not apply).

Krystalline Apostate :

I guess if you're not an atheist, you don't realize the 'i before e except after c' rule doesn't apply.

It's 'i before e, except after c, and in words like neighbor and atheist'.

the name of the clip is Chatting With Charley (not Charlie)

[i]They had that 'atheist nightmare' banana video.[/i]

God is a banana?

By Somekindofimpo… (not verified) on 04 Mar 2007 #permalink

Woah, there's a Xtube? I knew there was a pornotube [my flash-downloader extension lists it as a site that it works with]; who knew there were TWO porn youtubes?

The only time I've seen it spelled "Charley" was in Flowers for Algernon. Coincidence, or a seemingly random confluence that means God is trying to tell us something?

Well, if its any help, 4chan seems to think that they're stupid enough to be worthy of pissing off.

Off Topic but sort of on...

For those who have not yet read it, the New York Times has a rather lengthy article titled "Darwin's God," that covers some of the evolution based hypotheses that give rise to theism.

Darwin's God

(Hope I did the link properly)

Charley looks like he's about a half a step away from becoming a serial killer.


By Chinchillazilla (not verified) on 04 Mar 2007 #permalink

4chan is an eternally swirling malebolge of torment, misery and ignorance permeated by the unending screams of the damned. Plus, it's for pedophiles.

The fact that human hands created something like 4chan is one of many sources of disillusionment for me, and it's one of those things that make me want a purifying nuclear war to remove all traces of humanity from the face of the earth.

Never mention it again.

It's 'i before e, except after c, and in words like neighbor and atheist'.
& theist. & caffeine, & ancient, & about several dozen other words.

God is a banana?
No, it's a clip of this xtian pastor (forgot the name) who pontificates about how the banana proves gawd exists, since it seems to be 'specially created' for people to eat.
He ceded it to Hellbound Allee some time ago, to boot.
Even when these cats recant, the cant goes on & on anyways.

Think they'd appreciate having some Mr. Deity clips on their site? It is God, after all.

"This video does not exists."

Gasp! You mean they're avideoists? Where do they get their morals if they actually believe the video does not exists?

Reinforcing the stereotype that Christians are morons since 2007.

C'mon PZ. Christians have been morons a lot longer than that. By my count, it started about 33 C.E..


Gerard, 33 CC? Surely it would have started about forty years later (when that roman guy, Paul, founded christianity).

As for the dumbest videos ever?, its not even the dumbest creationism video Ive seen today.
Any of you who have tried to converse with this sort on one of their messageboards no doubt know all too well that there are a couple of simple rules that allow you to extend your stay there.
1. You must not show evidence of being in fact Satan or one of his little demon helpers (classical symptoms being things like, having a good point, showing signs of rational thinking, using evidence that can be referenced and cross checked, knowing anything about science)
2. You must properly address both sides of the issue. The proper way, of course is to address creationism as 'common sense facts' and evolution as 'stupid darwinism' or 'evilution'.
It is important at this point to ensure that you remember to associate 'stupid darwinism' with the 'lie-berals' and the ACLU (Atheist Communist Liars Union).
3. No signs of weakness are permitted. Being influenced by clear evidence presented in front of your nose is a classic non-believer flaw, not however, one that a real creationist ever needs worry about.
4. It is impossible to say anything stupid enough for you to be exposed as an agent provocateur, so long as the statement is in support of creationism.
Just follow those simple rules and you can stay on their boards for ever (well, until the rapture at least).

Charlie is very confused and not very bright; he's a kind of Kent Hovind on quaaludes.

He must be related to AFDave Hawkins, except I think Airhead Dave is hooked on crack instead of ludes.

I just had a really funny/scary thought. What happens when these people discover Second Life?

I don't know if that'll be too remarkable. After all, they're used to living in an imaginary world. At least in Second Life they'll be right about the existence of a designer.

According to Charlie, evolution claims that man evolved from the spider monkey. Fun stuff!

if you puree a frog he won't come back

This will also void the warranty on your

MartinC wrote:

Its somehow particularly appropriate that the Discovery Institute chooses air its 'Teach the Controversy' video here - the Godtube logo in the corner seems to fit it perfectly.

I doubt if it was someone at the DI who posted that video.

However, it is especially interesting to note the description that was provided:

"How to teach creationism in public schools"

God going down the tube...imagine that.

Now if we can just get Rachael Ray to host a FlyingSpaghettiMonsterTube network, sign me up.

The ignorant perpetuating themselves... yay.

I love the banana video; them fundies didn't take the time out to learn that bananas are genetically modified by man, and don't exist in the form we know and love in the wild. They were bread so they don't have seeds, so they must be cloned by man to survive. (And a previous species of banana went extinct due to fungus and now our current species is under threat from fungus as well due to lack of genetic diversity.)

Off topic, but has anyone else caught some of the goings-on on that satellite-cable channel -- GTV (God TV)? On my system it's channel 365, and it's amazing. It's too brain-stunning for me to actually take in much of what it's about. Instead, I gape in bedazzled awe, letting the surreal tide flow over me.

There's just something wonderfully, exceptionally creepy listening to young folks with British accents doing the televangelist treatment.

God is great, God is profitable, God hates science, God loves state sponsored terrorism, God loves reality TV programming, God loves your soul, God is expensive, God is white, God likes foods high in trans fats, Gods like hypocrites, God didn't get his GED, God failed math, God likes the free market, God likes Western-style and Western-imposed Democracy, God loves faith-based initiatives, God only cares about those who slave for him, God wants out.

"It's all very Heaven's Gate-esque, minus the mass ritual suicide."

Which is a damn shame...these idiots really need to the the planet a favor.

By Karl Rove II (not verified) on 05 Mar 2007 #permalink

What gives you smart arse, elitist pricks the right to stereotype all Christians as morons for what they believe?
Sure, God-tube (I haven't watched it) might attempt (even badly) to try to negate evolution, but I don't see web pages full of arrogant, hate-filled insults regarding evolutionist from them.
Does being an associate professor give you license to label all Christians morons? Fuck you!

[i]What gives you smart arse, elitist pricks the right to stereotype all Christians as morons for what they believe?[/i]

Hmmmm. How about the fact that science says you're all wrong? Wrong on the age of the planet, wrong on the fossil record, wrong on the structure of the cosmos, wrong on the origins of life, wrong on everything? Make that a double order of wrong BLT sandwich with wrong on the side and extra wrong in the middle.

& theist. & caffeine, & ancient, & about several dozen other words.

English actually does have spelling rules! And they work over 85 % of the time!!! Whew! Wow.

Does being an associate professor give you license to label all Christians morons?

What part of "stereotype" don't you understand?

Fuck you!

*patting on daltsy's head* You too.

By David Marjanović (not verified) on 05 Mar 2007 #permalink

English actually does have spelling rules! And they work over 85 % of the time!!! Whew! Wow.
Your point being? Most people that aren't atheists, don't seem to understand the exception. So anytime you want to play some Scrabble, I'm game.
Oh, you'd better be good, I might add.

I have a theory which explains this sort of pig-ignorance: "The Printer Manual Theory". I am an IT professional, and many years before Windows, it was generally necessary to manually configure many software programs with the escape codes for the printer so it could do condensed, expanded, underline and so on. So I would go to the client's office and ask for the printer manual, because they were thick tomes full of codes. The client would say, "We don't have one". Not: "We looked everywhere and can't find it", or "We threw it away", or "We forgot what we did with it", but "we don't have one". In other words, since there was no printer manual sitting in front of them they just assumed it didn't exist, had never existed, and most likely was stolen by space monkeys.
Hardcore Creationists seem to fall under the Printer Manual Theory. Because they don't have a neatly typed proof of scientific evolution in front of them and don't understand it anyway, they assume it must either not exist or be bogus. QED

By Darth Geoff (not verified) on 06 Mar 2007 #permalink

Science: ...only in the present.

Ok, do an experiment. Once the experiment is completed, it is no longer in the present, it is in the past! So, by definition, no experiments are valid!

"Charley looks like he's about a half a step away from becoming a serial killer."

Which, by my math, puts him about a quarter of a step away from vox day

I complimented some of the videos. I praised the website as being the best Atheist created parody of xian web pages since the late, lamented atheistfools.com.
After all of this praise, what happened? I got a notice that I was banned from the site. Imagine what he'd have done if I hadn't liked it.

I have seen a lot of 'venting' about Godtube on blogs across the internet. Most folks do not seem to have viewed many of the videos that are on the site and furthermore are not linking the fact that Godtube is like Youtube, users upload the videos. Hence if only you see creationist videos, then only some users chose to upload those videos. The site itself was put up to promote free thought and to be able to see Christian themed videos. If you watch the videos there you see a variety. One video, Pastor Al vs. Easter Bunny, starts out with Pastor Al preaching against secular holidays. Do not click off the video there! It ends with Al and the Bunny frolicking on the ground in a fit of pluralism, which is worse than aethism in all of its forms.

all i ever see is negativities on these sorts of blog sites. it's like a bunch of blurry-eyed unhappy jackals in a pin bumping into each other; it's easy to point out flaws. to godtube's credit, it has features not offered on youtube, myspace, or facebook: video chat, video e-mail, video blog, live web broadcast, and video podcast. it also combines the youtube and myspace genres together--video sharing plus social networking. i too find it kinda funny when X-ians embrace dualism--basically this is ours, the rest is for the "secular" realm. but honestly, even if they tried, can anyone sanction off part of the Internet?

By xanimander (not verified) on 21 Mar 2007 #permalink

I don't think any of you has a clue what Christianity is or means. Nor have you considered any rationale concerning life after death. Let me ask you, do you feel comfortable with facing death with no hope of seeing or percieving anything afterwards? Yet, you face that point by claiming it is true, at the same time ridiculing and mocking religion in the hope that science and technology will give you salvation. Each of us has a time awaiting us to die. It is not funny nor light, but serious and hard. Outside of the existence of a good and benevolent Creator, there is no hope for your existence. Entertain the thought that God is there. What is the logic behind that? Suddenly, what you do and say means something. Does that not require at least any open and honest criticism of the claims of Christianity? Claims like God exists, He loves you, He worked out a way for you to be with Him forever, and without Him you are lost. Give it a shot. It's worth looking into.

"Let me ask you, do you feel comfortable with facing death with no hope of seeing or percieving anything afterwards?"


Why is this site so upset with Godtube?
Get a life. If you think that Christians are ignorance why bother with their sites.

You all a bunch of losers

If you want to have some good laughs, I highly recommend Venomfangx on Youtube. That cute kid is hilarious, he's got all the answers wrong, kind of a baby Hovind. He is sooo confused, but the worst is, he seems to be quite intelligent, it's really a pitty what one can arrive to with brainwashing.
Have you seen his series "Satan invented Evolution P (1-4)"

By negentropyeater (not verified) on 25 Oct 2007 #permalink

#56 says :
"I don't think any of you has a clue what Christianity is or means. Nor have you considered any rationale concerning life after death. Let me ask you, do you feel comfortable with facing death with no hope of seeing or percieving anything afterwards?"

There are two possibilites, :
1. there is no life after death
2 there is life after death

How do we know ?
Next, I give you benefit of the doubt, let's say option 2 (maybe, who knows, our "spirit" gets zapped into another universe, no evidence for that, but let's assume that it is the case...)

Next question is then, why should I believe what is written in a book about the particular mechanism of transfer, or no transfer. When we have actually never seen, measured, required such a mechanism for making sense of this world. Especially a book written 2000 years ago which has already proven itself in many occurences to be eroneous on many aspects of the creation, of what is an acceptable moral law (it treats women as mere servants of men and accepts slavery). Then you are left with what Christianity has been doing for the last 2000 years, picking and choosing what whoever thinks is not valid anymore or requires a specific interpretation.

As you can see, I have no problems in saying, "I simply don't know", but I still want to live my life fully and according to very simple moral principles that are in accordance with living a honest, charitable life, where I let anyone do whatever he wants in the privacy of his own home as long as he doesn't cause pain and suffering to others. It's not that complicated. I don't need to think that I am going to heaven just by accepting Christ as my savior. If there is a heaven, and if there is a God that Judges me, he will judge me based on the way I lived my life, what's memorised in my Brain, and honestly I hope he'll let me get in and that I deserved it. Why would I follow the recommendations for marility enclosed in the Bible when I already know that most of what is written in there is completely outdated. The few passages than resonate with me, I know them, they are nice poetic methaphor like "the Good Samaritan", which have also a great historical interest and show that Jesus was just a very good man, actually very progressive for his time, unlike all these people who call themselves worthy of Christ and continue denying a women's right to choose, are against stem cell research that may cure many horrible diseases, and are denying homosexuals the right to live the life they wish to live. It will be between God and me, noone else.
If there is no God, no heaven, then we'll both end up the same. Dust and bones.

I am quite convinced that doubt and introspection are a much more helpful and religious attitude than certainty that your God of the Bible, the Quran or whatever sacred scripture, is the real one, if any.

By negentropyeater (not verified) on 25 Oct 2007 #permalink

& theist. & caffeine, & ancient, & about several dozen other words.

English actually does have spelling rules! And they work over 85 % of the time!!! Whew! Wow.

Does being an associate professor give you license to label all Christians morons?

What part of "stereotype" don't you understand?

Fuck you!

*patting on daltsy's head* You too.

By David Marjanović (not verified) on 05 Mar 2007 #permalink