I think we've got time for one more trip to Bizarro Land before addressing education in Minnesota.

The plural of medium is media.


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~01:17 "The way that I have understood the world is through education, through books, through mediums (sic) that have provided me a lot of perspective on the world..."

This from someone who inquired about the possibility of book-banning at the Wasilla library while she was mayor?

By Virgil Samms (not verified) on 26 Sep 2008 #permalink

The video is blocked for me (at work...) but that sounds a rather petty thing to pick up on, especially when from what she's said elsewhere she is a grade A lunatic so there is plenty else to pick up on.

Media would be right but I know plenty of people who say "mediums".

So Andrew, are you going to ignore the main point of my post, which is that she excuses her lack of foreign experience by saying she has learned from books, but that she herself looked into limiting the ability of others to have access to books? And I'd like to see a list of books she's read in the last 10 years or so.

By Virgil Samms (not verified) on 26 Sep 2008 #permalink

From TheFreeDictionary:

6. pl. mediums A person thought to have the power to communicate with the spirits of the dead or with agents of another world or dimension. Also called psychic.

That is her usage me thinks.

The troubling part for me is that slightly less than half of the United States voters (possibly more) are ready to put the Palin-McSame freak show into the presidency of the United States. However, the United States is doing its best to be a true leader of its third-world peers.

Ah, people ... just so you all know, my mention of "media" was an ironic slur. I could care less about "media." Watch the video. Be shocked. Come up with your own ironic slur, and let's see how you do!!???!?!?

Now,interviews that she's undergoing, it's almost like she's being tested by the interviewers rather than actually trying to find out her views on the issues. - Republican pollster

It's spin, but even so it's still a strange argument to make. Of course Palin is being tested. She's a no-name governor from a far off state. She has no history in the greater US political arena, so the voters need to know who she is and just how competent she is to fill the Office of Vice-President. If she can't even survive these basic questions with the smallest modicum of intellectual grace, who the hell cares what her 'views on the issues' are.

That is of course putting aside the fact that the questions she is being asked about are the issues that face the United States.

Now, interviews that she's undergoing, it's almost like she's being tested by the interviewers rather than actually trying to find out her views on the issues. - Republican pollster

It's spin, but even so it's still a strange argument to make. Of course Palin is being tested. She's a no-name governor from a far off state. She has no history in the greater US political arena, so the voters need to know who she is and just how competent she is to fill the Office of Vice-President. If she can't even survive these basic questions with the smallest modicum of intellectual grace, who the hell cares what her 'views on the issues' are.

That is of course putting aside the fact that the questions she is being asked about are the issues that face the United States.

(Apologies for the double post but I forgot to close the blockquote tag. Reposting so ya'll know what's me and what's not.)

Don't worry, Stephen Moore: it must be some consolation to know your skill with html tags exceeds that of the entire Republican national ticket combined.

By Pierce R. Butler (not verified) on 26 Sep 2008 #permalink

I bought a lot of underwear last week--all mediums.

Palin has just about convinced me that she really is a bimbo.

ROFL @ Pierce R. Butler!

@ mark: How much more convincing is it going to take? How about this? (h/t Coturnix, one of my favorite political commentators in the whole world!)


By themadlolscien… (not verified) on 26 Sep 2008 #permalink