Biden Hits it Outta the Park!!!!!!



Well, by golly, I also think that if I hear any more self-conscious folksiness and cuteness and also run-on sentences and pointless digressions about how, also in this great land of ours, the United States of America, where we have freedoms that also they hate along with sudden changes of tense and our children, who play hockey and also go to school where soccer moms--bless 'em--are concerned about their dining room tables that a maverick is reachin' across aisles and walking over in a bipartisan manner with none of this finger pointin' at a nucyuler armed Iran and also my unwaverin' support for Israel, which Obama's wantin' also to vote against ninety-four times while Joe Sixpack back in Wasilla is tired gettin' of this darn blame game, I might also hafta puke. Also.

OMG John McKay - I just stopped by here to say ALSO (and also, though...also).
And there's not really much more to say. Except that the Ohio Independents polled post-debate said that Biden is "knowledgeable on the issues" to the tune of 98%, doggonit!

Palin: Oh, yeah, it's so obvious I'm a Washington outsider. And someone just not used to the way you guys operate. Because here you voted for the war and now you oppose the war. You're one who says, as so many politicians do, I was for it before I was against it or vice- versa. Americans are craving that straight talk and just want to know, hey, if you voted for it, tell us why you voted for it and it was a war resolution.

If you don't believe Palin understands what it can be like to support a position and then later oppose it, she's got a bridge to sell you, and a big basket of earmarks.

By Herod the Freemason (not verified) on 03 Oct 2008 #permalink

Did you notice Biden play the sexism card?

But the notion that somehow, because I'm a man, I don't know what it's like to raise two kids alone, I don't know what it's like to have a child you're not sure is going to -- is going to make it -- I understand...

By Herod the Freemason (not verified) on 03 Oct 2008 #permalink

That was a bit offset by him talking about the office of Vice President and "his" role and responsibilities. One of two sour notes that Biden hit for me last night.

Palin, of course, was lemons all the way. Even on the occasions I agreed with her, she sounded so rehearsed and stilted that I didn't believe her.

Herod the Freemason:

How was that a sexism card? It is a simple observation that when people here "single parent" they usually think "single mother" ... because it usually is. So he is pointing out a simple fact that applies to him and requires special explanation.

Stepahnie: I think the fait au complait can be understood as can be understood as what you do in certain contexts, as a tactic. For instance, if you write a grant proposal that is meant to be convincing and concise because of word limits, you change every instance:

Should we recieve the funding for this grant, we would do X,Y and Z.


We will do X, Y and Z.

What struck me as overwhelming important from Palin's language (though no one else seems to have mentioned it) is the frequency with which she reverses the causal arrow. I'm thinking of going over the transcripts to dig out some examples.

Oh, and when she called Biden "O'Biden" was funny.

Greg, I can think of several reasons he would do it, including the fact that he was largely comparing Cheney to the rest of our historical VPs. I just don't like that he did it while facing Palin because I think it opens him up to charges that he was denying her right to possibly join the club based on gender. There are so many, many, many much better reasons, and I'd like to keep the focus on those.

Don't forget, once again we got to hear of Obama's distaste for gay men and women. :)

Joel: I don't like that at all. Unfortunately, in our society, saying "God Bless America" and not being celebratory of homosexuality (cf 'tolerant') are required for all politicians. In this way, our society totally sucks.

Because of this, anti-gay is currently more insidious than many forms of racism.

The alternative is to effectively disavow any linkage to the system, and thus to give up influence through any kind of dialog, voting, etc.