The whole world is watching.

Just in case one might think I was exaggerating in my comment that McCain/Palin are playing the "terrorist" card quite explicitly, have a look at the BBC headlines:


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McCain/Palin have as of yesterday adopted a new strategy for winning the election. They are now openly and explicitly accusing Barack Obama of being a terrorist. I am not making this up. McCain/Palin are making reference to a fund raiser early in Obama's campaign organized by a former 1960s era…
Hmmm, I have not done one of these in a few weeks, so if you depend on me for your political information, check under the fold: The Terrorist Barack Hussein Obama: From the start, there have always been two separate but equal questions about race in this election. Is there still enough racism in…
Razib has noted that there is a 15% chance that if McCain/Palin is elected, that Palin will take office based on actuarial data. However, I beg to differ with this given that the presidency is a) known to add years to a person's life, b) is a somewhat more dangerous job than average (there are 43…
Even John McCain's supporters don't care for his campaign's tactics of attacking Obama with lies. Meanwhile, Sarah Palin has referred to her own campaign and its supporters as "atrocious and unacceptable." She told the Christian Broadcasting Network: If I ever were to hear that [threats to…

Wait a second. Wasn't Hamid Karzai a member of the mujahadeen in the 1980s? For all intents and purposes he was no different from Bin Laden at the time and both would have been considered as terrorists by the rulers of the country.
Why is it OK for Palin to pal around with an ex-terrorist like Karzai?

Isn't Palin married to someone who belonged to a political group whose goal is for Alaska to secede from the US? Hasn't she told the leader of that group to "keep up the good work?" Wasn't McCain's father-in-law a convicted felon?

I heard that Palin has been seen burning US flags on pyres made from bibles whilst singing along to soviet military anthems she picked up on her "trade missions" to Russia.

Of course, she and her stooges would deny this, but where theres smoke theres fire, right guys? Right?
