Two screw ups....

... one by the reporter (listen carefully), the other .... well, the other is running for vice president. On one of the tickets.

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Did she say that she is finding out about campaign decisions from the media?

Science Pundit, listen to how he describes Palin. I didn't notice it so much because I was listening closely as because it provoked an immediate, unpleasant visceral reaction.

So, not only does she not know what a vice president does, she doesn't know what the role of a VP candidate is in supporting the decisions of her candidate, does she? They didn't at least vet her for that?


He described her as the Vice Presidential candidate who broke ranks. I still don't see the screw-up. Is it because it sounds like he's saying that she's "Presidential?" If so, that hardly constitutes a screw-up. Particularly on FAUX News where one would expect subliminal messages of that ilk to be intentional.

Go to twenty seconds and listen for about six seconds. Carefully. Gave me heartburn.

Science Pundit, he calls her the Democratic nominee for VEEP.

By another stephanie (not verified) on 05 Oct 2008 #permalink