What would happen if you named your baby "Linux"?

'Would Richard Stallman insist that the baby be called GNU/Linux? Does a baby named Linux go to sleep and wake up without problems? How often does he outgrow his footwear and require a reboot?'

All the answers and more are here.


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The real question is:

Is he open source?

What I would hope would happen is someone would slap the shit out of me for being a complete dumbass.

Welllllllll.......... it's not half so crazy as "Moon Unit." But I'd keep a close eye on the mohel at the bris. One slip and the poor kid could end up a Unix!

By Mad Hussein LO… (not verified) on 14 Oct 2008 #permalink

My friend several years ago named his cat 'Linux'. So far his cat looks fine and even regularly catches mice and small birds.

By Alex Besogonov (not verified) on 15 Oct 2008 #permalink

Mike: That is brilliant! I see an internet meme in there somewhere. The "What if your kid was named Linux" meme.

Alex: My friend several years ago named his cat 'Linux'. So far his cat looks fine and even regularly catches mice and small birds.

And hasn't been rebooted once!