Conservative Forced Out by Right Wing for Expressing Opinion

They used to say that "The problem with Democrats is that the eat their own young."

Not any more.

Christopher Buckley, son of ultra conservative dit William F. Buckley, and an ultra conservative dit in his own right, came out with an endorsement of Barack Obama the other day, and as a result, has been forced to give up his position at The Naitonal Review. The National Reivew is an ultra conservative dit of a magazine that if you read you will turn into a pillar of salt.

Well, I do say.

I had gone out of my way in my ... endorsement to say that I was not doing it in the pages of National Review, where I write the back-page column, because of the experience of my colleague, the lovely Kathleen Parker. Kathleen had written... that she felt Sarah Palin was an embarrassment. ... This brought 12,000 livid emails, among them a real charmer suggesting that Kathleen's mother ought to have aborted her and tossed the fetus into a dumpster....

... One editor at National Review--a friend of 30 years--emailed me that he thought my opinions "cretinous."

Hold on a sec... that's funny. Calling people "cretins" and similar insults was the bailywick of Buckley senior, and some of you will notice that this verbiage is parodied in the character of the conservative stuck up blue blood Bostonian surgeon on the TV version of M.A.S.H. ... (or is this just a New Enlgand joke...). Anyway, back to Buckley:

One thoughtful correspondent, who feels that I have "betrayed"--the b-word has been much used in all this--my father and the conservative movement generally, said he plans to devote the rest of his life to getting people to cancel their subscriptions to National Review. But there was one bright spot: To those who wrote me to demand, "Cancel my subscription," I was able to quote the title of my father's last book, a delicious compendium of his NR "Notes and Asides": Cancel Your Own Goddam Subscription.

Well, there you go.

Note to Chris Buckley: This is the problem with being a smart well educated conservative. All your friends are ... ah... either Liberals or Knuckle Dragging Neanderthals. Or cannibals. As 'Pup' would say.

The Pseudo-Luddite Buckley's blog post is here.


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ROFL =gasp= MAO! That is soooooooooo made of w00titude!

By Mad Hussein LO… (not verified) on 15 Oct 2008 #permalink

I wonder if the guy has ever gotten an avalanche of real hate-mail before? No one does hate mail like bible and free-market believing conservatives.