Censure Michele Bachmann

On the October 17 episode of MSNBC's Hardball, Rep. Michele Bachmann of Minnesota claimed that Barack Obama and other members of Congress share anti-American views.

Bachmann thinks that anyone who disagrees with her personal political agenda is unpatriotic. But she is the one who has a lot to learn about what it means to love America.

Her fellow members of Congress need to take a stand and tell Michele Bachmann that her disgusting accusations have no place in our country. Tell Congress to censure Rep. Bachmann.

Sign the petition

Why censure? Watch the videos. I will have more to say about this some time between now and Monday morning. All I want to say now is that the specific allegations being made by Bachmann against a presidential candidate, numerous members of congress, and quite likely you and me, are punishable by death. She has gone to far.

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