Colin Powell Repudiates McCain, Palin AND Minnesota's own: Bachmann

It is very significant that one of the main reasons Powell chose to endorse Obama is the vicious and untruthful attack campaign being run by McCain and Palin. Bachmann's connection to this is noted in this video (the link kindly sent to me by The Science Pundit).

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"It is very significant that one of the main reasons Powell chose to endorse Obama is the vicious and untruthful attack campaign being run by Obama and Palin."

Oops, I think you mean McCain and Palin.

I agree it is significant; the timing is perfect. If there is one sane Republican left, I would have to say it is Powell. Excellent news!

When Powell backed the Iraq invasion against his own better judgement, I gave up on him.

By Rose Colored Glasses (not verified) on 19 Oct 2008 #permalink

But Rose, he was clearly duped. I don't believe he was faking is statement that WMD's were in Iraq.

I'm glad he's backing Obama - a lot of people take him seriously.

He may have been duped, but he stayed on as SecState after it became clear that he had been, lending that considerable prestige and gravitas that makes this important to the Bush administration for FAR too long.

Andrew: that is not an excuse for everything that was at stake. Put yourself in that position and then try to explain you were duped to over 4000 families of fallen soldiers. Powell could of talked to experts rather than find evidence to support the Administration's viewpoint.

Personally I think he got burned by following an ideology rather than finding and using sound reasoning, evidence, and logic. I'm excited about his endorsement, but Powell still hasn't completely won me over.

His actions now and his actions before aren't necessarily linked. People should be allowed to change their minds, pigeon holing people, even idiots, is rarely actually constructive. ;)

One thing that always stuck be as nonsensical about politics is how no one is allowed to change their minds or views on *anything*, no matter what new evidence or events come along. That blindly staying on one course, even if it is now clearly disastrous, is somehow a sign of "integrity" whilst changing your course to best cope with any new evidence of incoming storms is called all sorts of stu[id names just makes me boggle. Perhaps democracy isn't the best idea after all!

(Churchill said it best: "Democracy is the worst form of government, except for all those other forms that have been tried from time to time.". :P )