Breaking News: Arne Endorses Barack!

I was sitting in a meeting the other day, and two people who have lived in Minnesota a lot longer than I have brought up Governor Arne (pronounced "arny") Carlson. Carlson was governor years ago. Since I've moved here, I've heard Carlson now and then as a commenter on Minnesota Public Radio, and to be honest, I just assumed he was a Democrat because of what he said about various issues and various candidates.

Anyway, someone brought up Arne Carlson and I said "He seems pretty moderate for a Republican." One of the people I was talking to said "Yes, that's right." The other one glared at the first one and said "You must not have lived here when he was governor. He was as expected, for a Republican."

So, you might be thinking "Who cares, Greg?" and you would be right. But you might want to know this little tidbit, passed to me by fellow blogger Tangled Up in Blue Guy, who's blog's foot got stuck in the railroad tracks.

(Mike: "Here, Greg, take this tidbit. Blog it. I can't blog it, by blog's borked. So you blog it. Go on with out me, I'll be OK, I'll catch up to you......."

Greg: OK, Mike, see you later. ...)

So, the story is that the Former Republican Governor of Minnesota, Arne Carlson, has a) endorsed Barack Obama, and b) cites the recent comments made by Congresswitchhunter Michele 1-L Bachmann as a factor.

Read about it here and via the links therein.


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LOL! Obama pwnz0rz the GOP again! w00t!

By Mad Hussein LO… (not verified) on 24 Oct 2008 #permalink

Arne was just getting started in politics in the '60s when I was an officer in the DFL in the 11th ward of the 5th District (Minneapolis). He was then a fairly reasonable guy, party affiliation notwithstanding. Good to see he still has a brain left.