
i-0a15e649ea2a2ec6f9d2bf7442386b74-car14.jpgFor starters, we are currently looking for hosts for the next Replace Michele Bachmann web carnival. We've been slugging along providing this great service for a month now, and suddenly she is all famous and stuff. Now is your chance to join in at the last second and take advantage of our hard work and get some link love. Tell me if you want to do this.

Second item: There is a new carnival thing being discussed/proposed/organized over at Sharp Brains. This is a Metacarnival: A Carnival of Blog Carnivals. This is where select carnivals (or actually, the organizers of said carnivals) send the one or two 'top' posts in their carnival to the meta carnival. Details here.

And now, a selection of carnivals for your delectation:

  • The Carnival of Liberals #76, as in 1776, is now up and running at Pharyngula. This is the best carnival of liberal ever.
  • Tthe October 23, 2008 edition of Rants is here.
  • Friday Ark #214 is at The Modulator.
  • The Carnival of Satire #106 is at The Skwib.
  • The Four Stone Hearth Blog Carnival: October 22nd edition is here.
  • The Carnival of the Vanities is here.
  • Philosophers' Carnival LXXX (I wonder how you pronounce that) is here, at Ein Blog fur All un Keinen, Principia Comica. The whole thing is in Latin and Greek. Seriously. Here.

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