The Two McCains ... and a bonus

Oh, what the heck, here's some more:


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I put together this short presentation on fake videos for a class. What the heck, I will also put it online so that maybe some other people can use it. So, here it is. I have it in many forms. First, a video of me going through the talk. Then I have the keynote and PowerPoint files with the…
One of the most annoying features of South Park is the creators' hypocrisy. They're so infatuated with tearing down that they never bother to build up. Trey Parker has an odd comment in an interview: "All the religions are super funny to me," Parker said. "The story of Jesus makes no sense to me.…
I am now a cover model for CDs. Look for me soon to be gyrating in a rock video, then comes the feature role in soft-core porn, then the drugs and parties, then the stint in rehab, and finally the special documentary on VH1. Oh, heck, I'm going all the way: I'm taking over for Ozzie once he…
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