Led Zeppelin and The Lord of the Rings: Two great tastes that taste great together

It's Saturday afternoon, so what the heck?

Ah, that's better.

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Yes good to see somethings never change...Led Zeppelin,s music is still as crappy as ever...

By Poisenarrow (not verified) on 23 Sep 2007 #permalink

Fucking magnificent, made my day. (I was SO pissed off at Peter Jackson for not using ANY of Led Zeppelin's music in those movies. He could've used "Ramble On" for the scenes of Frodo in Mordor, with flashbacks to the Shire, and when the Fellowship first left Rivendell, and "Misty Mountain Hop" as well, IMNSHO.) Thanks so much for this. Rock on!

PS - Saturday was Bilbo & Fordo's birthday. Very appropriate, nice tribute.

Let's say that instead of "derivative works", Mr. Page "resurrected" these old blues riffs and introduced them to the rock owrld, shall we? If it weren't for Led Zeppelin, I doubt that white boy cock-rock would have gotten as far as it did, or even been acknowledged. o_O