This is what one scrapes off one's shoe with a stick. Then one burns the stick.

Hat tip Ed

More like this

Advertising Fail. Hat-tip to Ed for the image.
ABC's coverage of this is here Hat Tip: Ed Brayton
Woooo!!!! Hat Tip: Dump Bachmann where you will find more from Ed.
I guess the people at Belk only read personal diaries and Wingnut blogs. They should come visit Scienceblogs sometimes. (hat-tip:Ed)

I've seen several videos of McCain rallies. But this one takes the cake! It's one of the most most disgusting examples I've seen yet, of the defective stupidity of the moron vote.
Anne G

By Anne Gilbert (not verified) on 29 Oct 2008 #permalink

No, their stupidity is perfectly functional. Intelligence, not so much.

By Benjamin Geiger (not verified) on 30 Oct 2008 #permalink