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Kapow! ZLOTT!!!! Pow!
That is what is going on in the Franken vs. Coleman race with some interesting recent developments that congealed in a Public Radio debate, a new ad by Norm Coleman, and ... wait for it ... a new ad from Al Franken that should be out tomorrow some time.
Some real shit is…
A GOP PAC has produced a ridiculous ad supporting Michele Bachmann for re-election to Congress representing Minnesota's 6th District. You'll remember that Bachmann made national news when she declared that a senior aide to Secretary of State Hillary Clinton and Minnesota 5th District Congressman…
This is the Last Day to Vote! Ana remains in the top ten, but is near the bottom of that list owing to cheaters working for the other contestants, I can only assume. I mean, how else would she not be on top? So, go in and vote! Vote! Vote!
This photo by Ben Zvan of Analiese Miller, who is…
Via James Hrynyshyn, Nature has a good summary of the state of climate politics in the lead up to Bali. There's even a decent summary of the state of play in Austrlia.
Any campaign veteran will tell you that voters are fickle, switching from candidate to candidate and issue to issue as the whim…