The Horror!!!!

Hmmm.... some's at the front door. I wonder who it is. This time of the year, it is likely to be someone canvassing for a candidate. Well, in that case, I'll answer the door and let them know right away who we'all are voting for so they can move on to the next house quickly and get their GOTV job done. Unless, of course, they are Republicans... then I'll engage them in conversation for as long as posible so that CAN'T get their job done...

... Hmm, can't quite see through this dumb peep-hole thing ... I think it is a lone female figure in a suit but can't quite make it out. Maybe a neighbor or something. Better open the door .....

(opening door)



So THIS is what it has come to! Years of liberal indoctrination, a fine education in the most leftist of the public schools, she's even been reading Howard Zinn! And I get THIS! A Republican CLONE!

What is really going on here, of course, is that Julia is playing Sarah Palin in school as part of a civics project. Very smart of her to take on Sara Palin, because she doen't have to study as much policy and stuff.

And to think, she started out like this:

Oh well.

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No, I don't see any prospect of therapy down the road from this incident. none at all. nope. :-)

oof, to go from butterfly hippie to sarah palin in one go... that's pretty rough...

had you been feeding her something strange? mooseburgers in the school lunches?

have to add, I'm very jealous of the t-shirt. sometimes I just get so mad that things like that are not made in adult male sizes... hmph.

Sorry, she looks far too intelligent to pass as Palin.

By Beauzeaux (not verified) on 03 Nov 2008 #permalink

Perhaps there is hope for her. She doesn't appear to be wearing a secular mormon zombie death cross.