Local Minnesota Election Stuff: Al ... Al .. Almost all bad news.

Bachmann is ahead of Tinklenberg enough to be pretty sure that she will win the night.

Paulson is beating Madia by enough to be pretty sure that Madia will not be going to Washington as our congressperson.

Coleman has pulled ahead of Franken, and my estimate is that Franken-leaning precincts were counted early. Franken will not win.

Minnesotans can be such unmitigated morons that I can't believe it sometimes.

I think we passed the nature tax.


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Good Morning America! Well, after I went to bed last night, the Minnesota Senate Race between Al Franken and Norm Coleman tightened up. The Associated Press is reporting, I hear, that Coleman has won. They are wrong. The difference between the two candidates is now (at 6:30 AM) just over 1,000…
... and there is strong evidence of shenanigans on the part of Coleman supporters (or someone). As I mentioned earlier, the idea is afoot that there will be more of a shift towards Al Franken in geographical regions that favor Franken than in Coleman-sympathetic regions, in the current US Senate…
This election day post is going to be continuously updated until the winner becomes more-or-less official. Tomorrow we'll have one more politics post as something of a benediction, and then mercifully back to the physics. Updates will appear at the top of the post, so feel free to refresh…
"The actions today by the Canvassing Board can only be described as confusing to us." Coleman's chief lawyer, Fritz Knaak, has filed papers to stop 133 votes in a Franken-leaning section of Minneapolis ... mainly college students ... from being counted. Why? Because he is too stupid to…

Greg, I don't think your last two sentences say what you want them to.

It's looking good for medical marijuana in Michigan, too, yet strangely close there for stem cell research.

Tight judicial races here too that will keep us up all night dammit!

Getting too damn close Greg - Coleman is ahead now

Norm Coleman (Incumbent) 428,510 42%
Al Franken 421,782 42%

With 35% reporting

Bachmann is being reelected? Wow, that's sad. And horrifying. And embarrassing.

Well, the judges are clear. At least there's that! Franken/Coleman is going into recounts...

Lynne: I think Prop 8 is probably worse than Bachmann, but if we adjust ... so the equivilant of Prop 8 in a single rural congressional district vs Bachmann representing that district ... Well, still, Prop 8 is worse because it will be harder to get rid of.