Ron Christie is a lying shit

We know this because every single thing this African American Republican strategist has publicly said up until today has been towing the party line on McCain and the party line against Obama no matter how utterly stupid and wrong it clearly was.

Until today, when he (as I see him commenting on Hardball) has decided to embrace the whole Obama is the President thing. I don't know how he's lived with himself to now, and apparently he did not either.

This is possible because for the Republican Party (prior to its demise) the truth was not really a factor.

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They're right bastards, aren't they? Now that Obama's president-elect, they all find it in their shriveled little hearts to be happy about his victory. Oh, too bad about all those bad things they said concerning "Hussein", but no harm done, right? Right bastards. (And I suspect Bachmann's heart isn't merely shriveled. It's missing.)

P.S.: It's "toeing the line".

Where I come from, Canal Country, Towing the Line is what the company mule does. The barges were towed along the canal by mules on the "tow path" on one side or the other of the canal. He is a mule towing the line.

Very local idiom, I know, but far better and more meaningful than that other more well known idiom.

By the way, Obama will be doing the Dem's weekly radio address today.

I've never understood what PR genius decided that cross-eyed Ron "I'm not gonna fall for the banana in the tailpipe" Christie needed to be the public face of their organization. It's probably the same people who thought Sarah Palin would save the election. If Satuday Night Live created such a character, they'd be rightly condemned for racism.

Actually, I think it's "I'm not gonna fall for no banana in the tailpipe", but I could be wrong. Spinelessness happens to be a characteristic of many Republicanus Americanensis, from "Black Baby" McCains spineless sucking up to the originator of that lie, to "Zell Jr" (and pseudo-independent) Lieberman's sudden embrace of the Democrats after his pandering to Republicans. I expect many others as well, but those are two visible examples of the characteristic. I suspect it's a combination of the authoritarian mindsets devotion to authority coupled with a frantic awareness of their own vulnerability (considering what they would have done had they won, they suspect the worst).

You were far too kind to Ron Christie when you call him a lying shit...he is a narrow minded bigot, with no sense of integrity, just like his ex boss Mr. Cheney..

It is far too kind to call Ron Christie just a lying shit or a narrow minded biggot. I have never heard this guy tell one truthful sentence. On "Hardball", he even suggests that telling the truth is the wrong thing to do. I wouldn't mind a conservative point of view, but nearly all conservative talking heads presently on television and radio, especially Ron Christie, are nothing but professional (I say this only because they get paid)evil-doers!
Why this is rewarded with a television job is about as sensible as AIG execs getting bonuses for bringing down their company. How about a law making public statements that are completely false a felony? Ron Christie would be doing life with Bernie Madoff.

By Jimmy Foot (not verified) on 17 Mar 2009 #permalink

Ron Christie is an embarrassment to all African Americans. He is nothing more than the lawn jockey of the repugnant party

I'm sorry but I can't stop laughing over Science Avengers comment re: 'Cross-Eyed Ron'... I should know better but admittedly, I'm very guilty of having the same sophmoric thought re: his look when he's being interviewed on TV. I should feel bad but hey! he chose to be in the public (cross) eye and to boot,... he's just another Repub perpetuating lies out there. So, he's fair game! Bottom line which is worse? My cracks about his expression or the potential he has to further run this country deeper into the ground by his GOP garbage talk?
I watched him tonight on 'The Ed Schultz Show' being interviewed about idiot Christine O'Donnell. Ed asked him, "do you honestly think she's qualified to be a Senator?"
One of Ron's reasons for stating yes was, "she raised a lot of money".
Since when does the amount of money one raises qualify you to run the country? Oh, sorry, I know when. When you're a right-wing, hypocritical Republican! And you're seeking office in a country that, just enough of your kind, holds money more important than everything else... including a human life!

By David Wallace (not verified) on 14 Oct 2010 #permalink

Ron Christie has got to be the most idiotic republician strategist alive. He makes Richard Steel look like a Democrat. The things that come out of this idiot's mouth are nothing short of sickening. He had to have been picked on all throughout his life for him to embrace the GOP with such passion. That's the only reason I can think of, to justify him being the republican scum that he is. I respect Colin Powell for distancing himself from idiots like Palin, Backmann, Christie, and the now heads of the republican party.

By Dallas E. Ford (not verified) on 26 Aug 2011 #permalink