Bachmann Reality Sidestep

Last night I had only minute to address this issue, so I simply posted the video with no comment. (Except maybe a little snark). Now, I'd like to take a moment to describe this in more detail.

This is on Fox News:

Alan Colmes askes Michele Bachmann about her comment on Countdown prior to the election in an effort to follow up. He quotes her. "The news media should do a penetrating expose and take a look at the views of the people in congress and find out if they are pro America or Anti America."

Just so you understand, Colmes has quoted Bachman exactly. Bachman replies that she never said those words that she is recorded on tape has having said. She says: "That's not what I said. Its an Urban legend that was created that is not what I said at all. what I called on was for the mainstream media to do their job they failed to vet bla bla bla"

The video shows her and records her saying these words, but somehow this is an urban legend. How does that work?

Talk about Creationism....

In the video, Alan Colmes, Fox's token liberal, is dumbfounded and is trying hard to not blurt out something like "You ignorant slut! What are you talking about! We have you on tape!!!"

Countdown got it too, but it is not on their web site yet.

The original commentary is here.

I have an idea. In the future, let's work together to make Michele Bachmann an Urban Legend. OK?

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She's always a little behind the time, that Bachmann. The Bush administration has slowly lapsed into silence because every time they said, "That's not what we said," someone ran the tape.

If she can't adapt to the changing technological reality, she's just lost her usefulness to the Republicans. They won't be able to show her anywhere but the most friendly media, but their smiling female attack dogs have to look presentable to the general public. That's what they're there for.

I predict a strong Republican challenger in two years and much less support from the national party.

It's no fair.
Bachmann didn't know what she was saying would be videotaped. She was ambushed on Countdown by a host that wanted to make her talk.
"Like a deer in the headlights."

"The Bush administration has slowly lapsed into silence because every time they said, 'That's not what we said,' someone ran the tape."

Yes, and depressingly often, that someone was the exasperated anchor of a certain so-called fake news show. Granted, many of the embedded videos and quotes on blogs such as this one come from traditional media sources - newspapers, cable news networks, etc. - but it's a crying shame that this country's journalists have failed to the extent that they have. (Just slightly less shameful, that its citizens have allowed that failure to develop over so many years.) Bachmann et al are still operating in the world where nobody knows what's happening because nobody is reporting anything, and the more's their loss. I only hope they keep this up for another few election cycles, because they've done enough harm even without understanding things like the internet.

The original piece on Bachmann was on Hardball about a month ago. Her recent on Fox lie was then shown on Countdown.

By natural cynic (not verified) on 20 Nov 2008 #permalink

I see your Bachmann and raise you Dino Rossi (Gubernatorial candidate here in Washington.) One of his commercials starts with his shit-eating grin and saying: "I would never dream of lowering the minimum wage." The Gregoire campaign had already run a tape of him saying just exactly that in the very recent televised debate! If you're caught: Deny, Deny, Deny! It always works, right?