Judge John E. Jones III

Greg, I'm glad you are getting these videos out to a wider audience. I am kicking myself for missing Neil Shubin. I plan on going to see E.O. Wilson in the spring


It's funny to watch the Rebups debating why they lost the election, and what they need to do to start winning elections again.

Judge Jones is clearly a conservative (in the general sense), and just as clearly a Republican (in the broader historical sense), but people with his philosophy have been clearly shut out of the Republican party. He's not a Democrat, and I wouldn't want him in the Democratic party (for one thing, too much American exceptionalism), but he seems to be clearly dedicated to his principles above facile identity politics. He would be an ... interesting ... Supreme Court nominee.

For Jones, it seems to me, Dover was not primarily about evolution.

If I were to give advice to all those pundits and politicians handwringing about the future of the Republican party, I would point to Judge Jones and say, "If you want to be relevant again, put him in charge."

HP - SHHHH! Ixnay of the oodgay advice! Let them have their Sarah - "Can't Talk" Palin!

Thanks for the posting.